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National University of Río Negro

Within the framework of the Internationalize the Classrooms Initiative, of the International Relations Department (IR) of the National University of Río Negro (UNRN), A collaboration was carried out between the UNRN Alto Valle – Valle Medio Headquarters and the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) of Mexico.

The activity was developed under a format of the COIL Project (Collaborative Online International Learning), for which A teaching module was jointly designed by professors Dr. J. Alfonso Garza Hernández (UACJ) and Dr. Paula Mut (UNRN) using an interdisciplinary approach that involved coordinated and collaborative research between students from different institutions.. In this case, an analysis was carried out from a complex problem that involved investigating issues of human nutrition, environmental, biotechnological, historical, legal, agroeconomic, cultural, social, and human health.

The proposal arises from one of the topics addressed in the Genetics class, by the Intermediate and Higher Level Teaching Staff in Biology at the UNRN, as a context for learning conceptual contents. These topics are relevant to understand from the perspective studied in the Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology at the UACJ, since they propose a possible solution to the problem analyzed.

The program allowed all participants to analyze the different realities regarding the aspects mentioned, giving them the opportunity to delve deeper into the differences and similarities between both countries in this complex sense of approach. The enrichment of traveling these international paths allows not only to collaborate on disciplinary issues in a complex way, but also to learn about the reality of public universities in other contexts.

Participating teachers and students

UNRN Biology Teaching Staff, Secondary and Higher Level, Alto Valle Campus – Valle Medio: Dr. Paula Mut -director of the degree- and the students Constanza Aedo, Jennifer Ali, Carla Aversa, Sofía Barrientos, Sasha Bichara, Claudia Huentemil, Juliana Lucero, Evelyn Mella Morales, Carla Molina, Aylen Namuncura Pérez, Martín Navarro, Abril Osorio , Norma Reyes Pereyra, Mateo Rosales, María Victoria Salceda Thove and Carolina Valdez.

Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology from UACJ: Dr. Javier Alfonso Garza Hernandez and the students Diego Jesus Hernandez Castro, Alfredo Porras, Itzel Guajardo Carrillo, Valeria Ramos, Lucia Edith, Karen Villegas, Evelyn, Sara Escobar, Diana Valles, Karyme de la Rosa, Maria Fernanda Torres Torres, Karla Reymundo, Eduardo Hazael Salazar Lopez and Denisse Orozco.

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