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On the Hobo – Yaguará road, a tanker-type vehicle was set on fire

Two subjects blocked the passage and burned the vehicle.

Authorities are carrying out investigations to find those responsible for the burning of a tanker vehicle on the Hobo-Yaguará road in the Betania dam sector, The vehicle would belong to a fish farming company and could be related to the collection of extortions.

Colonel Calor Téllez, police commander in Huila, indicated that “once the facts were known, an investigative work began in order to identify the factors that caused this situation. The initial information we have is that, apparently, two people go out onto the road, block the passage of the vehicle and incinerate it”.

“We are already advancing the investigative work and we have the full support of the institutional offer of the Judicial Intelligence Police and personnel of the Gaula to be able to find those responsible for this incident,” said Téllez.

The emergency was attended by the fire department of the municipality of Hobo, who managed to control the fire, however, it was completely incinerated, reporting the total loss of the tanker-type vehicle that is used to transport fingerlings.

Research work has already begun in the area and in coordination with the Attorney General’s Office and support from the Army, it is hoped that those responsible for this incident will be found. Likewise, security was reinforced with the presence of the army and police to guarantee the mobility and tranquility of those who travel through the sector.

Although the authorities have not confirmed the causes regarding the burning of the vehicle, it could be related to the collection of extortion, as a measure to generate pressure on companies and merchants in the department that are being victims of this crime, which would be carried out dissidents of the FARC.

For its part, the call was made for that citizens report this type of intimidation and extortionate charges that occur in several municipalities of the department.


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