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The representatives of Cordoba provided almost unanimous support to the Government in Deputies

Prior to the start of the session in the Chamber of Deputies where last night the Base laws, the representatives of Cordoba anticipated their vote. Of the 18 local deputies, only three indicated that they would vote against the ruling party’s project.

As expected, the people of La Libertad Avanza Gabriel Bornoroni and Celeste Ponce They indicated that would accompany the proposal. The same is true for PRO representatives Laura Rodríguez Machado, Belén Avico and Héctor Baldassi..

For their part, radical legislators Rodrigo De Loredo, Gabriela Brouwer de Koning, Soledad Carrizo and Luis Picat also guaranteed their support for the ruling party. The support of the opposition bloc comes despite the constant attacks by President Javier Milei against the centennial party, whose members he accused of being “degenerate prosecutors” and “rats.”

To justify the bloc’s position despite the grievances, its leader, De Loredo, said: “We are pretending to be insane.” He added: “We must put things that are right before personal and ego issues.”

Regarding his support for the reduction of the Personal Property Tax, the deputy stressed that this measure is for the benefit of the richest 5% of the Argentine population, who have a net worth of more than US$ 1,000,000. However, he justified his position by saying that “this is part of the Government’s economic policy. Do you want to do this? Well, the people voted for you. You will have our support.” On the side of Hacemos Coalición Federal, the first dissidents appear. In this block, Carlos Gutiérrez, Ignacio García Aresca, Alejandra Torres, Oscar Agost Carreño and Juan Brügge will vote in favor, while Natalia De la Sota will vote against.

In this regard, it is worth remembering that Llaryora confirmed his support for the project from the very first minute. However, he opposed certain points such as the increase in export taxes on regional goods and the privatization of public companies based in Córdoba.

For their part, the deputies of Unión por la Patria Pablo Carro and Gabriela Estévez had already anticipated that they will maintain their rejection. Finally, Cecilia Ibáñez of the Integration and Development Movement (MID) announced that she will accompany the measure.

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