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The Environmental Police stopped six clearings and seized machinery

The Environmental Police of Córdoba detected six forestry interventions without authorization in the last month.

In three of the cases, the inspectors were able to stop the activities at the time they were being carried out, seize the machinery used and prevent a larger portion of the native forest from being affected.

Some of the situations were alerted through complaints and others, through the usual patrols carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Circular Economy to control and supervise the natural resources of Córdoba.

One of the operations was in the town of Altos de Chipión. A property was inspected that had permission to carry out an internal raid, but when the agents carried out the inspection, they observed that it was being carried out outside the limits established by the authorization.

Another delegation, while patrolling through the rural area of ​​the town of Arroyito, observed a total extraction of a vegetation curtain of native species in an intervention approximately 300 meters long by 10 meters wide.

In the town of San Vicente, in the department of San Alberto, a search warrant was requested to enter a property and respond to a complaint, in which the inspector of the Traslasierra operational base verified that it was a total clearing without authorization on a surface area of ​​6.5 hectares.

Other actions of the Environmental Police

With urgency, another inspection was carried out in the town of José de la Quintana to address a complaint that warned that a clearing was being carried out. The inspectors found a street opening to access some lots.

Meanwhile, in the town of San Ignacio, public officials observed that tree species of felling, espinillo, chañar, elm and black acacia were being affected without authorization. They immediately stopped the machinery, implemented the cessation of activities and posted the infringement sign for violating environmental regulations.

Finally, in the north of the province, in the town of Sebastián Elcano, an irregular rolling intervention was verified on 28 hectares of native forest. In this case, the affected species were tusca, quebracho blanco, mistol, algarrobo negro, mistol del fox, tala, garabato, moradillo, chañar, ucle, quimilo, piquillín, among others.

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