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Javier Milei confirmed that next week Federico Sturzenegger will be sworn into a ministry that will carry out the reforms

President Javier Milei welcomed the sanction of the law and announced that “more structural reforms are coming”. The president announced that next week the economist Federico Sturzenegger will be sworn into the Cabinet to lead a “ministry that will be responsible for carrying out the reforms.”

The head of state pointed out that Sturzenegger “is in charge of carrying out structural reforms so that we gain economic freedom and can continue growing.”

“Now we are making the appointment of Dr. Sturzenegger,” He added, “We are going to remove the law of leaf litter, which is a set of regulations that hinder the functioning of the economic system. There are 100 laws that are being eliminated but they imply more structural reforms than 100 laws. On the other hand, to the extent that fiscal numbers begin to improve as a consequence of the rebound, because Argentina reached a floor approximately between March and April, the leading indicators are showing positive rates.”


Federico Sturzenegger will take office next week as minister.


“Yesterday we spent three hours working with Federico,” Milei said. “We are going to create a ministry whose mission is to continue with the reform process,” he said and explained: “I have in mind to be like Ireland, which was the most miserable country in Europe and today is a country with a GDP per capita 50% higher than that of the United States. A freer country is much richer.”

What is Federico Sturzenegger’s economic proposal?

In his last public speech, the economist and unofficial advisor to Javier Milei, Federico Sturzenegger, identified in the business corporation, he syndicalism and the Peronism to the “Bermuda Triangle” that must be disarmed and accused them of being “blocking agents of change. He also spoke about dollarization and his future role as Minister.

Speaking at the closing of the first day of the Forum “Rebirth of freedom in Argentina and the world”which organized the last June 11th the Freedom and Progress Foundationthe former president of the Central Bank consequently said that The problem “is not from a hundred years ago, but our generation is responsible for the debacle.”

Federico Sturzenegger

Federico Sturzenegger will take office next week as minister.


In this sense he indicated that the triad began to operate “at the end of the ’60s” of the last century and that “the person largely responsible for this is President (Juan Carlos) Onganía”who exercised the dictatorship between 1966 and 1970. However, he stressed that in the last elections society said “said ‘enough’: that was the mandate that Milei received.”

When wondering why “Argentines are not free”, Sturzenegger maintained that “There are interests that want things to continue like this” and cited two examples in which, he said, “a piece of paper” prevents the development of that potential.

One of them is the enabling of the satellite company starlink, through DNU 70/2023, which annulled “a piece of paper that previously said it could not be done” and as of its repeal “the telephone companies will present national coverage services, with zero cost for the State.” The other is the vaccine against foot and mouth disease, in which “a piece of paper said that it had to be tetravalent, despite the fact that two strains were eradicated more than 50 years ago” and reduced the supply to “a single laboratory in Argentina.”

The presidential advisor criticized “the regulator’s willingness to reduce risk” and stated that “we must be encouraged to take a little more risk.”


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