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CÓRDOBA DEPUTATION ENTREPRENEUR AWARDS | The Provincial Council of Córdoba rewards young entrepreneurs from the towns

The Provincial Council of Córdoba rewards young entrepreneurs from the townsCORDOVA

The plenary hall of the Provincial Council of Cordoba this Friday welcomed the delivery of awards of the third project competition We young people undertake in our townan initiative promoted by the Employment Delegation of the Provincial Council with the support of the Ceres Association that seeks promote entrepreneurship among young people in the province.

The third vice president and delegate for Economic Development, Promotion and Employment,Felix Romerohas been in charge of receiving the students from participating institutes and to present the awards to the projects that came in first, second and third place, during which time he conveyed to them the importance of believing in themselves and defending their municipalities.

Detail of the promotional brochure of the contest.

“I encourage you to believe in your towns and stay in them because this way You are keeping the province alive“You have thought of a business and I encourage you to carry it out because the future is in your hands,” Romero said.

Training workshops

Participants in the project They have received about 30 workshops before carrying out an entrepreneurial project with which they have participated in the contest. In total, there have been twelve finalist projects, Among them, the title holder obtained third place and a prize of 200 euros. Young Radio, from IES Ategua (Castro del Río); The second prize, worth 300 euros, went to Glamping Pleiadesfrom IES La Escribana (Villaviciosa de Córdoba) and the first prize went to the project PTM Therapies Centerfrom the IES Arcelasis (Santaella).

The students who participated in the competition came from the IES Ategua (Castro del Río); La Escribana (Villaviciosa de Córdoba), Nuevo Scala (Rute), Duque de Rivas (Hornachuelos) and Arcelasis (Santaella).


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