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Results of the Micro Enterprise Survey -CEM- in Antioquia are presented

The objective of the study was to expand the knowledge of microenterprises, delve into their needs, expectations, profiles and business performance, and thus identify development opportunities and promote joint actions.

The CEM is the first study center in Colombia as a result of an inter-institutional initiative led by the Medellín Chamber of Commerce for Antioquia, the Interactuar Corporation, Comfama, Proantioquia, the Aburrá Sur Chamber of Commerce and the FGA Fondo de Garantías Foundation.

Juan Miguel Giraldo Ospina, CEM coordinator, explained that the Survey resulted in a characterization of the micro entrepreneur and his productive unit in aspects such as conditions for its creation, operation, growth, development, formalization, financing and institutional support.

“55% of entrepreneurs have coverage in the local market and only 3% in the international market, which represents a great opportunity for the development of new markets with the support of different institutions. Another relevant fact is that 35% of production units use digital tools to interact and sell, but only 7% have a planned strategy, which is also an opportunity to start the digital transformation process that allows them to consolidate in the market. , he pointed.

Survey data CEM in Antioquia

In terms of location, 67% of microentrepreneurs in Antioquia are in socioeconomic levels 1, 2 and 3. However, 60% of formal microentrepreneurs operate in a rented premises and 53% of informal entrepreneurs do so from their home. Regarding their income and economic and employment situation, 72% of entrepreneurs sell less than $3,000,000 per month, 69% do not have a fixed monthly salary and 48% work seven days a week.

Likewise, 41% of informal entrepreneurs state that they require loans for less than $5,000,000 and 36% of those who need to cover an urgent business expense go to a bank or financial institution.

The survey also found that 66% of women in the department operate their business informally, 48% of micro-entrepreneurs are between 26 and 45 years old, and 43% of formal entrepreneurs have higher education.

In Antioquia, 43% of micro-entrepreneurs established their business more than five years ago, 74% indicated that they are independent and sole owners of their business, and 76% of entrepreneurs plan to have their business indefinitely.

Recommendations for microentrepreneurs

Based on the results of the Micro Antioquia 2023 Company Survey, the CEM proposed a series of recommendations: promote relevant training according to the needs of each productive unit, develop strategies aimed at different sectors, promote the development of partnerships and collaborative work. , generate stimuli for job creation and facilitate access to new markets.

Likewise, provide training in administrative and accounting processes, encourage the implementation of digital strategies, promote access to credit, the development of new products and financial education, promote the benefits of formalization and consider gender gaps, and develop strengthening programs of micro companies according to their stage of development.

Formal and informal micro companies were included in the Survey with the purpose of understanding their dynamics in all dimensions. For this study, the Micro Formal Company, according to Law 905 of 2004, is one that registers assets between 0 and 500 SMMLV and the Micro Informal Company is any business with up to 10 workers that does not have the Public Commercial Registry before a chamber of trade.

The CEM was created to have a comprehensive vision of the microenterprise that allows it to develop and deliver pertinent, relevant and innovative knowledge products to institutions and the community, and contribute to economic development and productive social inclusion in the region and influence public policies based on a comprehensive understanding of the company and the micro entrepreneur.

All the results of the CEM survey at:

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