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Hojarasca Law: the details of Sturzenegger’s next step towards deregulation of the economy

Federico Sturzenegger will take office next week as minister, Javier Milei said. REUTERS/Matias Baglietto

President Javier Milei He anticipated that after obtaining the sanction of the Law Bases The ruling party will promote in Congress the Leaf Litter Law, a project that has more than 100 deregulations. The standard was also designed by the former president of the central bank and current presidential advisor, Federico Sturzeneggerwho will be appointed next week to head a new Ministry, according to the president.

“More structural reforms are coming. Next week, we will appoint Dr. Sturzenegger. We are going to remove what he calls the Hojarascas Law, which is a set of regulations that hinder the functioning of the economic system. There are 100 laws that are being eliminated, but they imply more structural reforms than 100 laws,” Milei explained this morning in conversation with La Nación +.

As with many of the articles of the Ley Bases, this rule was made by the former head of the BCRA for a possible presidency of Patricia Bullrich when he was still in the race and which the President bought with enthusiasm. The omnibus project was sanctioned this morning by the Chamber of Deputies.

Federico Sturzenegger will present the Hojarasca bill

Most of the laws that are planned to be eliminated are already obsolete in practice and “will not change anyone’s life” according to comments made to Infobae sources familiar with the content. “In general, they are things like ‘no spitting on the floor,’” they exemplified.

Sturzenegger recently said at an event at the Freedom Foundation that the path taken by the Executive Branch is to “remove, remove and remove deregulation” and that “if there is a problem later because you removed too much, correct it,” he said.

“Our regulations have a strong military imprint,” he said. He also cited the case of fertilizers, which are over-regulated because these clauses date back to when governments feared that they could be used as precursors to explosives. “It is more difficult to move fertilizers in Argentina than to have radioactive waste from Chernobyl,” he said ironically.

Milei said Sturzenegger would take over as minister next week. REUTERS/Liesa Johannssen

He then quoted Walter Isaacson’s biography of Elon Musk, the creator of Tesla. “When Musk started Space X, an engineer told him that a lot of tests had to be done, and Musk said: ‘Why do we have to do them? What engineer asks for them? I’ll do it now. ’ They told him that NASA asks for them, and Musk thought: ‘Now I understand why a rocket costs 2 billion dollars when it can be made for 100 million,’” Sturzenegger said. “He says ‘we don’t do any tests,’” and he mentioned passages in the book in which Musk prefers his rockets to fail and explode during a launch rather than overload them with prior tests that increase their cost. It’s not about over-minimizing the risk, but about finding a problem quickly and solving it. That’s how the most competitive rocket in history was made in two years.”

Milei anticipated that next week Sturzenegger will enter the Cabinet at the head of a new Ministry, as the President announced today. Although he did not specify what the name of the portfolio that his current advisor will head will be, the president explained that “it will be the in charge to carry out the reforms structural so that we win economic freedom and we can continue to grow.”

The leader, who is also the main author of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) which Milei signed a few days after taking office, will join the Government with the task of “moving forward with economic deregulation in the different industrial sectors.”

In this sense, as explained to Infobae According to official sources, Sturzenegger will be in charge of eliminating all the “bureaucratic obstacles” that currently exist, which affect both the production and distribution of goods and services and which can be removed without the need for a law.

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