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Video | Tragedy between Neuquén and Cipolletti: this is the sewer where a man died

The roundabout of Third Bridge that connects the towns of Neuquén and Cipolletti was the scene of a shocking accident on Wednesday. A 67-year-old man died when he lost control of his motorcycle and fell into a sewer. The victim managed to contact his family but he could not specify where he was and his body was found hours later. This is the place where the incident occurred.

Luis Ariel Parra67 years old, was traveling on his motorcycle towards the Industrial Park of Neuquen. At one point, he had to take the roundabout located on the third Cipolletti bridge, but He lost control of the vehicle and it fell into a sewer located in the middle of a huge pasture.

The tragedy was recorded by security cameras and in the video you can see how the motorcycle hits an unknown object and the man falls into the void. From that place, he takes his cell phone and contacts his sister telling her that he was “in a ditch near the industrial park.”

Two days after the accident, RÍO NEGRO Diary visited the scene of the incident and could see the large grasslands that blocked the visibility of the sewer. In addition to the lack of signage in the presence of it, there are only signs that warn about the roundabout.

On this Friday morning, machines from the municipality of Cipolletti were carrying out cleaning tasks. As explained by municipal officials The objective is to “improve the appearance of that entrance to the city and cover the holes between sewers.” They assured that they “would be exposed.”

The culvert crosses the Third Bridge roundabout and is approximately two meters deep. Inside there are branches, mud and stagnant water. There, Luis Parra agonized for hours waiting for help that never came. This is what the sewer looks like from above:

At the time of filing the complaint, the victim’s relatives stated that They searched for him in a group for many hours in the Industrial Park area where he had supposedly gone, but that They could not find his whereabouts. «We never imagined it was there, “We pass by the roundabout many times,” they said.

Who was the man who died at the roundabout between Neuquén and Cipolletti: why the Cipolletti Prosecutor’s Office will not deepen the investigation

Judicial sources confirmed to Diario RÍO NEGRO that the case will not be investigated further since “there is no crime to investigate” and “no complaint was made that warrants investigating a crime.” For the same reason, an autopsy or alcohol test on the body was ruled out.

The same video that circulates on the networks where the moment of the fatal accident is captured, was analyzed by the researchers in the case taken by the prosecutor on duty Alejandra Altamira. This material would have been decisive for establish that there was no third party involvement in the accident.

Regarding the van that appears In the video, the prosecution ruled out that the vehicle be sought by justice since according to the images it would not have any impact on the motorcyclist’s maneuver. According to his presence at the scene, they assured that “There is no way to prove that the truck was in an accident”.

Regarding the van that appears In the video, the prosecution ruled out that the vehicle be sought by the justice system since according to the images it would have no impact on the motorcyclist’s maneuver. In accordance with his presence in the place, they assured that “There is no way to prove that the truck was in an accident”.

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