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Judge Contreras said that there is no differential treatment between Bacchiani, Sarroca and Blas

June 28, 2024 – 12:37

The federal judge of Catamarca, Miguel Angel Contrerasassured that “there is no differential treatment” between Edgar Bacchianithe CEO of Adhemar Capital, and his former partners Franco Sarroca and Jose Blasbecause the first has been in the Miraflores prison for two years and the others are under house arrest, waiting for the case they share for pyramid schemes to be brought to trial.

In an interview with the program Mañana es hoy on Radio Ancasti, Contreras said that he received “letters in his own handwriting” from Bacchiani and other inmates linked to other causes, but that the resolution of the problems raised is out of his reach.

“Bacchiani and other inmates who are detained in the Provincial Penal Service for almost the same reasons, well, according to the report that the SP sent us and other private writings in the handwriting of each of them, they let us know that they had entered in a stage of not eating food, a hunger strike as it is commonly called,” Contreras explained.

One of the common requests “is that the causes and claims they have made regarding their release be resolved, given the time they have spent there,” which exceeds two years, which is why the Justice Department extended their respective pretrial detentions.

Another complaint is “comparing their situation with other people who are involved in the case and who, on the other hand, are at home and not in jail.”

At this point, Contreras explained that “all the procedural situations of each of them have been resolved by this Court” and that the lawyers made the consequent appeals.

“In such a way that the request that the cases be resolved quickly is a request that in a certain way arises from our jurisdiction, given the fact that the appeals are in the Federal Chamber of Tucumán” and it is that Court that has to resolve .

Contreras added: “With respect to the claims that support the alleged differential treatment that would exist between those detainees and the others, that responds to different circumstances.”

In the case Adhemar Capital specified that “in the case of Mr. Blas, who is at home, this is a resolution that was made by the chamber (of Appeals of Tucumán). We revoked the house arrest and sent him to jail, and his lawyer made the proposal in the chamber and the Chamber revoked our statement and returned him to his home.”

And the other partner, Sarroca, “is a person who has undergone various medical meetings made up of a multidisciplinary body and they have determined that given the state of health in which this man is, he is not in a position to remain in one place.” where there would not be sufficient guarantees to take care of their health.” He clarified that “in these cases, the professional opinion of a doctor always takes precedence over the legal issue.”

He made it clear, then, that “there is no legal hypothesis for intervention, the files are at other hierarchical levels for their treatment.”

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