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Nariño urgently needs Investment, management and leadership – e.

Starting from the premise that each problem is a new opportunity and that the history of this land has not been easy, since we always seem to row against the current, it is necessary to invite all the productive sectors of the department to join forces to promote the development of the region.

It is up to each work front, from the public sector, to private companies and mixed economy organizations, to begin building a serious project that allows the economic, political and social growth of all Nariño residents.

In this aspect, the academy is key, with its investigative and organizational contribution, the experience of businessmen in the constitution of sustainable ventures and the cooperation of political leadership in the management of resources and incentives for capital to be invested throughout the region.

Particular interests must be put aside and collective well-being must be considered. Nariño has the conditions to be self-sufficient if we think big. We have all the thermal bases, access to the sea, fertile soils, proximity between different populations that can think of a solidarity economy to establish their own production chains.

Perhaps due to so many difficulties in communications, the lack of large industries and the lack of vision of those who have governed this “small country”, in recent years there has been a growth in family businesses and small circles of friends that is reflected in a greater commercial offer of products and services, which does not have an easy task and that is why as children of this land it is up to us to “put our finger on the wound”, to support our countrymen and demand in justice what so many years a centralist and biased system has denied us.

Just yesterday, Small and Medium Enterprises Day was celebrated worldwide, a date that often goes unnoticed in our country, but which invites us to reflect on their contribution to the economy and development of a territory.

Microenterprises in the Regional Economy

Microenterprises are a fundamental part of the regional economy and play a crucial role in the socioeconomic development of local communities. Despite their small size, these production centers contribute significantly to job creation, economic diversification and innovation. Below we explore the reasons why microbusinesses are vital in a community.

Employment generation

One of the most notable contributions of microenterprises is job creation. In many regions, they account for a large proportion of available employment opportunities. Because of their flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to market changes, these companies can hire staff more quickly than large corporations. In addition, they often provide employment to vulnerable sectors of the population who may have difficulty accessing jobs in larger companies, such as young people, women and the elderly.

Economic Diversification

Microenterprises promote economic alternatives by offering a wide range of products and services. This not only enriches the offer available to consumers, but also reduces the dependence of localities on a few dominant sectors. A diversified economy is more resilient to crises, as problems in a specific sector are less likely to seriously impact the region as a whole.

Innovation and creativity

These production units are a breeding ground for innovation and creativity. By having smaller and less bureaucratic structures, companies can experiment with new ideas and approaches more easily than large corporations. Innovation in micro and medium-sized enterprises can range from new products and services to improvements in processes and business models. This ability to innovate is crucial to the dynamism and competitiveness of the regional economy.

Local development

It should be noted that these business models play an essential role in territorial economic development. They invest their profits within the community, either through purchasing local inputs or paying salaries to local residents. This creates a multiplier effect, where money circulates and is reinvested in the domestic economy, promoting the well-being and prosperity of its inhabitants.

Promoting Entrepreneurship

The success of microbusinesses can inspire others to create, establishing a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem. This environment favors the establishment of new companies and the expansion of existing ones, which in turn encourages competition and improves the quality of products and services available in the market.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Flexibility is an intrinsic characteristic of these structures. They can quickly adapt to changes in market demand and adjust their operations more easily than large companies. This adaptability is especially valuable in times of economic crisis or rapid changes in the market environment, as it allows them to survive and thrive in difficult conditions.

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