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150 municipalities at risk of hunger will have solidarity supply points – Social Prosperity

  • In 8 months Social Prosperity will build 150 solidarity supply points (PAS).
  • Prosperidad Social will implement the pilot of solidarity supply points (PAS) in Soacha, Cundinamarca.
  • With an investment of half a billion pesos ($495,000 million), 150 structures will be built to strengthen the popular and solidarity economy of the prioritized municipalities.

Soacha, June 28, 2023. President Gustavo Petro and the director of Social Prosperity, Gustavo Bolívar, will launch the PAS (solidarity supply points) program in Soacha, Cundinamarca: there are 150 infrastructure works or solidarity markets, whose construction will be led by the entity throughout the country, to strengthen the popular economy in the regions.

This pilot that will be carried out in Soacha, will have an approximate investment of $4.2 billion, will be built on a property, with an area of ​​2,342 square meters, provided by the Mayor’s Office, located in the upper sector of Cazucá, on the border with the town of Ciudad Bolívar. It is one of the most vulnerable areas of Cundinamarca. The PAS respond to the directive given by Director Bolívar to work with territorial entities, as long as they provide healthy land. It is a criterion established in order to take care of public resources.

The PAS program is based on the Decree 684 of 2024 of the Ministry of Equality, which regulated the National System for the Progressive Guarantee of the Right to Food (SNGPDA), the Zero Hunger program and other strategies linked and approved in the National Development Plan of the Government of Change, which also seek to promote the popular economy.

According to data from the Government of Cundinamarca, Soacha is the municipality with the highest population density in the department. It has high rates of poverty and risk of hunger. For this reason it was chosen as the pilot in the construction of these infrastructures. The project will have an approximate investment of half a billion pesos ($495,000 million). Once completed, the PAS will be put at the service of the community through a public-popular alliance, establishing storage areas, community dining rooms and commercial spaces, to increase productivity.


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