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“Ununderstandable”: UDI deputies question Van Klaveren after omitting Ronald Ojeda’s case before the OAS | National

UDI deputies who are members of the Foreign Relations Committee, Cristián Labbé and Cristhian Moreira, Foreign Minister Alberto van Klaveren was questioned for not reporting the crime of Ronald Ojeda during his intervention in the 54th General Assembly of the Organization of American States.

Let us remember that The former Venezuelan military man was kidnapped and his body was later found in a location located in MaipúMetropolitan region.

In this regard, the union parliamentarians targeted the minister for having “wasted” the opportunity to express the country’s position regarding the kidnapping and subsequent murder of the dissident soldier.

The above, considering that the same Prosecutor’s Office has stated -on repeated occasions- that the crime was organized from Venezuela.

Labbé and Moreira even qualified as “unintelligible” that the Minister of Foreign Affairs did not make any reference to the case that occurred in February, despite the fact that in his speech he did refer to the “transnational organized crime” affecting the country.

UDI questions the foreign minister after he omitted the Ronald Ojeda case

For the opposition parliamentarians, “Chancellor Alberto van Klaveren had the opportunity to denounce – in front of the rest of the countries of the continent – the interference of the narco-dictatorship of Venezuela in Chile.”

And, in his opinion, to demonstrate “that the dictator Nicolás Maduro is not only dedicated to repressing his own countrymen, but also those dissidents that are located outside the territory.”

In that sense, the union parliamentarians even accused the Government of “fail to comply” part of the promises they made in the midst of the controversy that arose with the Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saabwhen he called the killing a “false flag operation.”

Thus, Labbé and Moreira recalled that It was the Minister of the Interior herself, Carolina Tohá, who on that occasion assured that “we are going to resort to multilateral organizations”insisting that “in these forums we are going to bring Chile’s point of view.”

For the same reason, the deputies accused the head of Foreign Relations of “breach” the commitment adopted by Minister Toháreiterating that “it wasted a huge opportunity to make this case visible and expose the serious interference in our sovereignty committed by Venezuela.”

“For the good of Chile, We hope that the Chancellor acted in a personal capacity and that it was not a decision of the Government.surely pressured by parties like the communist one,” they concluded.

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