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Federal forces will add biologists to study whether pumas and alligators attacked Loan in Corrientes

Loan Danilo Peña remains missing and the case keeps the entire country in suspense. After the provincial authorities were in charge of the investigation in the first instance, now national authorities will take control of the rakes.

The case will be back to square one since, as reported by Adrián Ventura on TN, all hypotheses are open, there is no theory that has more weight than the other. For this reason, in the next few hours A mega operation will be carried out in which more than 200 personnel will work of the Federal Police, the Gendarmerie and the Prefecture.

Read also: Disappearance of Loan: they resurfaced a post in which they accused a detainee of selling boys in Corrientes

The procedure will be carried out in the fields where raking has already been carried out and in new areas. to carry out a full evaluation of the evidence. In addition, provincial officers will not be involved. “There is no intention to criticize what the provincial police did, because they acted in good faith,” said Ventura and stressed: “Except for the case of the commissioner who supposedly diverted evidence.”

Details of the mega-operation to find Loan

Federal forces will gather in Corrientes to do a new sweep of evidence. They will start from scratch and They will use cutting-edge technology in the searchThis will include scanners, drones and highly equipped divers to inspect the bodies of water, which, although not deep, have so far been checked with sticks.

Adrián Ventura confirmed in TN that the federal forces will have the participation of animal health specialists during the mega-operation. (Video: TN capture)

At the same time, the hypothesis that Loan may have been attacked by an animalthat is why they will also carry the necessary tools to study the local species.

“We are talking about an area where there are alligators, pumas and other wild animals, which is why in the procedures they are planning they are going to bring specialists in animal health, in what has to do with fauna, They will bring biologists to complement the operations they carry out”Ventura added.

For her part, Patricia Bullrich had confirmed last night that one of the hypotheses being investigated is that Loan could indeed have been attacked by an animal in the area. “I’m going to go with radiological equipment to see in the bellies of animals. There are alligators, there are pumas, there is everything in the area”he said in dialogue with The Nation+.

Deputies hung Loan posters during the session for the Bases Law

The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña in Corrientes was leaked during the session by the Bases Law and the fiscal package in the House of Representatives. This Thursday, several legislators -mostly from the Union for the Fatherland and the left- They placed posters on their benches with a photo of the 5-year-old boy and the campaign to find him.

This is the brochure distributed by the national authorities, which encourages people to call the number 134 In case of any news regarding Loan’s whereabouts, who has been missing for 14 days.

Read also: The opposition continues with issues of privilege and delays the start of the debate on the Bases Law

During his presentation, Nicolas Del Cañofrom the FIT, spoke about the case that has the country in suspense and accused the Government of having “dismantled” the programs against human trafficking networks.

“Today we see Minister (Patricia) Bullrich “Who, 15 days after Loan’s disappearance, puts on a show and takes photos with the President,” said the legislator, and went further: “Now they are worried and have dismantled the programs.”

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