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“Colombia insists on removing Cuba from the list of countries.”

In his speech at the 54th Session of the OAS General Assembly, he Chancellor Luis Gilberto Murillo He insisted on Colombia’s request to exclude Cuba from the list of sponsors of terrorism.

“Colombia, from its firm conviction of having peace as the main democratic value and from this stage and from this forum, insists and requests Exclude the Republic of Cuba from the list of States designated as sponsors of terrorism and also the measures that are unilateral and extraterritorial that have to do with sanctions,” said the diplomatic official.

And he assured that the Colombian Government is “grateful” to Cuba for their “support” in the search for peace.

“The Colombian State will always be grateful for the support and efforts of this Republic in contributing to the search for peace in Colombia. It has supported us in peace agreements with the extinct FARC and currently supports us in the negotiation of agreements with the National Liberation Army – ELN within the framework of the policy of peace, of total peace of the Government of Colombia,” he stated.

It is worth mentioning that at the time, the Government received “with pleasure” that USA has withdrawn to Cuba from its list of countries that do not fully cooperate with anti-terrorism efforts, although it argued that the decision should go further.

“He Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia receive with approval the announcement by the Government of the United States of America on the exclusion of Cuba from the list of countries that do not fully cooperate in the fight against terrorism“, the Foreign Ministry said at the time, considering that “this is a decision on the right path.”

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