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250 m³ of waste collected, garbage that affected the Santa Marta railway operation

Santa Marta

In Santa Marta, environmental and district authorities have reported the poor waste disposal, a long-standing problem in Magdalena and, especially, in Santa Marta. In addition to all these issues, citizens have to living with bad smells, rodents, mosquitoes and even difficulties in living together.

And despite the management of the cleaning service provider in the capital of Magdalena, in recent days there has been evidence of a increase in the accumulation of waste due to lack of control by whos, illegally dispose of their waste at any time and place: Ordinary waste, debris, plant material, among others, affect health today and the image of the most beautiful bay in America.

That’s why, the Infrastructure Secretariat the Mayor’s Office of Santa Marta with the help of Ferrocarriles del Norte de Colombia (Fenoco SA) and ATESA joined forces to recover the sectors surrounding the railway corridor between the Juan XXIII and María Cristina neighborhoods, in Bastidas.

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In total, there were three days in which more than 250 m3 of waste that was illegally disposed of by third parties were collected.affecting the environment, the surrounding community and the railway operation. Now it is the turn of the population, because their responsibility, good behavior and awareness are essential to avoid new piles of garbage.

The call to the community is to common sense, to collective responsibility to dispose of garbage in authorized points and to promptly report to the relevant authorities those who continue to put adults and minors at risk, since individual actions can lead to risks that affect the same population. It is also a call to the relevant authorities to act in the face of these events.


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