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The search for Loan: they investigate if the baby is in Córdoba

Loan’s brother arrived at the Prosecutor’s Office to testify

Arrival of José, Loan’s brother, to testify at the Goya Prosecutor’s Office

José, Loan’s brother, arrived around 1 p.m. at the headquarters of the Goya Prosecutor’s Office to lend witness statementHe arrived accompanied by one of his brothers. He was originally scheduled to leave at 9am, but his departure from his home in 9 de Julio was delayed.

The young man is the only one of the 5-year-old boy’s relatives who did not testify yesterday because he was left in the care of his younger siblings.

Loan’s search: special drones will be used in an area that has not yet been searched

The Ministry of Security of the province of Buenos Aires will send cutting-edge equipment and trained personnel to try to find the boy who has been missing for 15 days in a region near the 9 de Julio area.

One of the Buenos Aires drones that will travel to Corrientes

The efforts to find Loan continue in Corrientes, in parallel to the investigation by the federal courts. Now, The Ministry of Security of the province of Buenos Aires was summoned to join the work with people and technical resources. The focus of this new phase of the search is an area near the 9 de Julio area where the boy was last seen 15 days ago which, according to sources confirming the case Infobaehas not yet been searched with drones, and has been inspected by a small number of personnel on foot.

They are investigating whether Loan is in Córdoba

The Investigative Prosecutor’s Office of District No. 1 of Córdoba, Shift 3, in charge of Jose Manainvestigate if Loan is in the provincial capital.

The investigation began after a complaint from a woman resident of the city who said that On June 26th, around 5 p.m.saw a child of the same age and with physical characteristics as Loan, at the door of the neighborhood dispensary Bishop Angelelli.

According to sources from the Cordoba Public Prosecutor’s Office, multiple search and investigation measures were ordered “in order to corroborate or discard this information.” The procedures are being carried out at this time.

The cell phones of the accused in the Loan case are already in Buenos Aires: what will the key expertise be?

The 20 devices seized from the detainees and the minor’s family will be analyzed in the next few hours in a PFA laboratory through the UFED system. High expectations for the study that could be decisive in knowing what happened to the missing boy

By Maria Laura BalongaandFederico Fahsbender

The defendants in Loan’s disappearance at their last arraignment hearing

This Friday morning, More than two weeks after the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peñainvestigators who are a central part of the case agreed that there is still no firm data to promote a hypothesis, knowing whether Loan was captured to enslave him, prostitute him, illegally adopt him, or risk the possibility of a crime. “Without cell phones, we can’t make any progress”they assured.

Statements from Loan’s aunt and brother are expected

Laudelina PeñaLoan’s aunt, and José, the boy’s brother, will testify as witnesses in the morning at the Prosecutor’s Office in the city of Goya, according to what was learned Infobae.

On Wednesday night, the home of Peña, the partner of Antonio Benítez, one of the prisoners in the case, was raided by the Federal Police. The agents who participated in the operation seized his cell phone.

I think they are both lying and that my grandmother fell right into their trap. My grandmother said that they had not met the official’s partner and his partner. And that was not the case. It is all very strange,” she said this morning in a conversation with TV Chronicle on the situation of Catalina -the grandmother- and her aunt Laudelina.

“María, dear, the people are with you”, the cry that sums up how Loan’s disappearance hurts

Hundreds of people demanded Loan’s appearance in Goya and supported the parents as they testified before the prosecutor. The case is in federal jurisdiction and the investigation is back to square one. No hypothesis is ruled out.

The cry of the Goya neighbors for Maria, Loan’s mother

(Special envoy to Corrientes) The black and white photocopy is at the pre-boarding gate at the airport in the city of Currents. Above, there is another one. To the side, on the wall, a third one. It is the Sofia Alert by Loan Danilo Peña (5), the child who disappeared 15 days ago in the El Algarrobal area. In the air terminal there are only those three images. In the taxis waiting for passengers, none. And in the bus station, only one: in the sentry box that is on the esplanade from where the buses leave. A little more than 225 kilometers from there, in the town of Goya, everything is very different.

Loan’s parents and siblings left the Goya prosecutor’s office after testifying (Photo: María Laura Balonga)

After four hours in the Goya prosecutor’s office, Loan’s parents and two of Loan’s siblings concluded their statements and they began the return to their home, in the town of 9 de Julio.

First they came out Jose Pena and Maria Luisa Noguerawho boarded a truck belonging to the Argentine Naval Prefecture. Then, two of his children They left in a car.

In the middle of the exit, some scuffles occurred between protesters who went to give their support to the family and the police.

Laudelina Peña denied that Antonio Benítez had debts and said that she was the contact with Caillava

Laudelina PenaLoan’s aunt and wife of Antonio Benítez, one of those arrested for the disappearance of the minor, denied that her partner had debts, as her sister-in-law had said.

In statements to TNhe also said that Benitez did not know Carlos Perez, who is accused as material co-author of the acquisition for the purposes of exploitation of Loan.

“As far as I know, Antonio did not know Carlos Pérez. The one who had contact with the wife (María Victoria Caillava) was mebecause he worked at the Municipality. When we needed something, he would talk, or at that moment when I was going to have lunch with my mother, I sent him a message,” he said.

Patricia Bullrich does not rule out any hypothesis and will take “radiological equipment to Corrientes to see the bellies of the animals”

Patricia Bullrich spoke about the Loan search and said that “they are going to use radiological equipment to see the bellies of the animals”

The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrichmade it clear on Thursday that he does not rule out any hypothesis regarding the whereabouts of Loan Danilo Peña, who has been missing for two weeks. In this regard, he reported that he sent specialists of different kinds to the vicinity of the house of the minor’s grandmother to carry out a new search.

“It could be anything from an accident, a missing child, a natural situation to human trafficking. The working hypotheses are many because it is a scene in which there are a lot of people and suddenly there is a very small boy who disappears completely and absolutely without any noise, without any type of scream, car or engine. We are going to do a search according to the expertise, to the Gesell camera, seeing where she went, how much distance she could have traveled, whether the shoe was planted or not,” the official said in an interview with LN +.

Bullrich recalled that in that area “there are jaguars, alligators, pumas, vipers and wells,” so now, that the case has gone to federal jurisdiction, he will go “with everything: with divers, mountain personnel and radiological equipment to see the bellies of the animals”.

On the other hand, he left a phrase with the aroma of a claim towards the justice of Corrientes: “We found out from television, not from the prosecutor. That’s why the Sofia Alert came out late.”.

Loan’s aunt and grandmother were raided: seven cell phones were seized

The procedures were carried out last night in the context of the federal court case. The phones join 13 others already seized from the defendants that will be examined this week. What are the other key evidence measures?

Catalina Peña, Loan’s grandmother

The Federal justice took a new step in the file to determine what happened to Loan Danilo.

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