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Why the Income Tax will hit Patagonia’s wages harder – ADNSUR

Many labor sectors will once again suffer the Income tax discount to the fourth category since the month of Julyor, when they collect their salaries in August. By not including the zonal coefficient, workers in this region will pay proportionally more than those in the rest of the country.

One of the elements that makes the difference in the new law on salary income is the eelimination of the coefficient by unfavorable area. For this item, salaries receive an additional 22% in Patagonia, vinculated to the higher costs of living in this region. In the law that was in force until September of last year, that same percentage was applied to the non-taxable minimum, but now it has been revoked.

For example, with the new regime, single workers with income of $1,800,000 and married workers with 2 children begin to pay taxes from $2,200,000. If the zonal coefficient had been maintained, then salaries in Patagonia would have to be taxed from $2,220,000 and $2,700,000, respectively.

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To put it in simpler terms, salaries in Patagonia have higher levels than in the rest of the country, especially in comparison to northern provinces, because the cost of living is also much higher. Therefore, the difference ends up being almost neutral, but By paying taxes on the same basis, Patagonians will proportionally pay more than those from the rest of the country.

A report from the Ministry of Labor of the Nation, from the end of last year, clearly reflected that the tribute is supported mainly by 7 provinces, among which is Chubut, since the workers in these companies account for more than 80% of the tax contribution. The list is headed by Buenos Aires, followed by the Federal Capital, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Mendoza, Neuquén, Chubut and Tierra del Fuego.

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When the tax was eliminated, in September of last yearIt was revealed that the measure benefited around 20,000 Chubut residents who were affected by the tax, although the number of workers could now be somewhat larger. The previous deduction is based on the fact that the floor until that moment was 800,000 pesos, which, Updated for inflation to today’s values, it should reach 2,400,000.


To estimate who will be affected by the new wage tax after a 9-month pause, it must be taken into account that the amounts mentioned above are “net” wages, that is, before legal deductions.

This means that the tax begins to be paid for out-of-pocket salaries of just under $1,500,000 and $1,800,000, for the single worker and the married worker with a child, who are mentioned as the most common examples.

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According to the report of the Ministry of Labor of the Nation from the end of last year, workers in the Electricity Supply (Luz y Fuerza) and Mines and Quarries (Oil Workers) sectors account for 16% each of the total contribution to the tax. They are followed by workers in the Financial Services (banking) sector, with 15.6%; Information and Communication, with 10.8%; and Health, with 6.4%.

Other service activities represent 4% and Teaching (teachers) 3.7%. Manufacturing industry contributes 3.6% Scientific activities, with 3.3%. Commerce, which is the branch of activity with the most workers, represents only 1.6%, meaning it reaches few salaries in that sector.


As stated, the above review represents the sectors covered up to September of last year, but with the new threshold from which the tax is applied, there will be more labor sectors that will have to pay taxes.

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One of them is that of the bus drivers grouped in the UTA in Comodorowhere an incoming worker will earn no less than 1,900,000 from July. “We are just being sucked into it, it’s that simple,” the union said.

Another sector reached by salary level is fishing. A report from the Economic Observatory of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the UNPSJB can be taken as a reference, which in December of last year detailed that this sector earned around 2.28 basic baskets of the city. Projecting these values ​​to today, with the basket at 917,000 pesos, the average salary would be around 2,300,000.

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In ‘Electricity, gas and water’, the report detailed a salary of 3.16 baskets, which at today’s values ​​would represent just over 3,000,000. And in oil, 3.74, which would mean almost 4,000,000.

In the banking sector, the report estimated the equivalent of 3.14 baskets, that is, above 3,000,000, while, in the Insurance sector, the reference starts around 1,800,000 pesos.

Within the Manufacturing Industry sector, there is an item identified as ‘machines and equipment’ (which would be linked to services for the oil industry), with salaries of 3.6 baskets, that is, exceeding 3,500,000 pesos.

In the health sector, the majority of doctors would be left out, but there is another group that will be reached. In particular, professionals who had been making additional compensation per guard, which could begin to pose problems in securing these coverages, since professionals will lose the incentive to make that additional effort.

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The teaching sector would also be affected, although there are very few cases, according to the union, which continues to demand a salary increase from the provincial government.

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