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Aluani learned about the changes that are being promoted to advance a provincial law on obstetrics – SENADO ENTRE RÍOS

In this regard, Isasi indicated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss “the urgent need in the province to be able to recognize the competencies of midwives and, for that, the need for a specific law.”

“The idea is that there is a regulation that endorses and strengthens the skills of obstetricians who are already working in the province providing a lot of services to the community and in particular to women so they can access their sexual and reproductive rights,” he said. .

Isasi described the current law as “obsolete and does not include all the work that midwives are doing and for which they have been trained in particular” and highlighted: “Entre Ríos is an emblematic province in this sense because it has a career in Midwifery and is one of the provinces with the most midwives; being able to recognize these skills, endorse them in their regular practice and also allows for an increase in the number of providers that can provide services, especially at the first level of care, which is essential for a public access policy.”

For her part, Silvina Ramos stated that, as a representative of CEDES, “we have come to offer our technical support, our knowledge and the studies that we have generated in recent years as input for the process that we understand is now in the hands of the provincial legislature.”

And he added: “The Ministry of Health has a high commitment to improving the health situation of the population and to recognizing and giving legal security to the obstetricians of Entre Ríos who are an example for the entire country.”

Meanwhile, Congressman Gallay explained that this law has been partially approved by the Senate and would be passed to the Health Commission that he presides in the Chamber of Deputies: “That is why we are coordinating work with senators, the Vice-Governor, with deputies and with those who come to promote this project in some way.”

“We believe that it would be very important to begin to retrace this path that has them as protagonists and that they need this regulatory framework to be able to practice their profession with peace of mind,” he added.

In agreement with her counterpart, Representative Streitenberger highlighted the importance of joint work between both Chambers “to be able to achieve the most enriching law that allows them to work in a safer way and with the support they need.”

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