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Due to floods, Venice will not have the Cerro Tusa Festival during the festive long weekend


The Mayor’s Office of Venice, in the southwest of Antioquia, announced that due to the havoc left by the falling waters in its territory between Tuesday night and dawn last Wednesday, You will have to cancel the Cerro Tusa Festival that was scheduled for this long weekend.

This celebration is a way of community integration to enhance the identity of Venetians, a way to attract tourists and, in turn, boosts the economy. That’s why has taken on great strength in recent years in this town.

This year everything was already prepared with a lineup of artists of the stature of Alkimia, Harlison Fernández, Amín, El Chiche Martínez, Luisito Muñoz, Los Diablitos de Colombia, La Q Banda, the La Bocana orchestra and Yelsid, among others, whose performances They were distributed between this Friday, June 28 and Monday, July 1. Since days before, there have also been a number of cultural and fun activities for the entire community and visitors who have dared to get up early for the classic dates that pay tribute to the most imposing peak in the Cartama province.

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However, in the midst of the tragedy that occurred on the eve, the celebration was suspended. Yesterday, after the officials of the Mayor’s Office and the relief forces were able to enter the truth El Rincón, located about 4 kilometers from the urban center, after the damage that blocked the access road, the census of the attention of the catastrophe local gave the following figures: four people injured and two missing, in addition to 290 families were affected by the loss of their belongings and the flooding of their homes, plus another 74 victims having had to vacate their homes because they were completely destroyed or the severity of the damage is not yet known, according to the Government Secretary, Marcela Parra.

To care for these people, the mayor’s office enabled two shelters in the House of Culture and the House of the Elderly. “There we are providing them with accommodation, food, health services and psychosocial care,” added the official.

Apart from that, the work was concentrated on the Washing of roads and removal of fallen trees, stones and mud with the help of yellow machinery and dump trucks. In this, Mrs. Parra pointed out, the support of the departmental Infrastructure Secretariat, Dagran, firefighters, civil defense and help that has come from other municipalities has been fundamental. “The truth is, we have had a lot of support,” said the Secretary of Local Government.

Parra also reported that around eight in the morning yesterday They resumed the search for two missing women and at around four o’clock on Thursday afternoon they found a lower limb. It has not been possible to determine if it corresponds to any of those people.

For now, the enabled access road to the municipality is the one that arrives through the Bolombolo district, since the passage through Fredonia presents difficulties in the El Cinco sector due to the loss of the bank that occurred since last Monday; Staff from the Infrastructure Secretariat of Antioquia and Dagran are trying to solve the problem.

All these complexities of the current situation were what motivated Mayor Ferney Darío Fernández to cancel the festivities in order to devote himself to dealing with the emergency.

In addition, we suggest you see: Rains have caused 262 emergencies in Antioquia this winter season

“In light of the above, we appreciate the expressions of solidarity and support from artists and the Antioquian community in this difficult time that we are living and feeling as a people. We understand the great expectations that were had with the celebration of the festivities as a space for joy, family unity and activation of the economy, but for this administration, caring for and providing support to the families affected by this contingency in its territory is its highest priority,” he explained in a statement.

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