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Summary of Cuba – Prensa Latina News

Friday, June 28, 2024


– President Miguel Díaz-Canel tours the central province of Cuba

– President of the UN General Assembly will meet with Cuban foreign minister

– Foreign Minister of Cuba highlights the relevance of immigration provisions

– Elián González sums up the values ​​of the Cuban people

– Cuba evokes discovery of Che’s remains

– Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago strengthen ties

– They reiterate invitation to Sri Lankan business community to fair in Cuba

– Progressive International demands that Cuba be removed from the terrorist list

– Argentina condemns inclusion of Cuba in US report

– They collect five million euros for tobacco from Cuba

President Miguel Díaz-Canel visits the central province of Cuba

Villa Clara, Cuba, June 28 (Prensa Latina) President Miguel Díaz-Canel today toured economic and social centers of the municipality of Ranchuelo, in this central province of Cuba, in the context of the government visits he makes to the entire country. In correspondence with the demands of the population, Díaz-Canel inquired with local authorities about the production and marketing of food, the reduction of the budget deficit, and the relationship between state and non-state actors in the economy.

UN General Assembly President to meet Cuban Foreign Minister

Havana, Jun 28 (Prensa Latina) The president of the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Dennis Francis, will hold official talks today with the Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, as part of his working visit to the Caribbean nation. This Friday, Francis will pay tribute to José Martí at the memorial dedicated to the Cuban National Hero, located in the Plaza de la Revolución.

Cuban Foreign Minister highlights relevance of immigration provisions

Havana, June 28 (Prensa Latina) The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, assured today that the new draft laws on Migration, Immigration and Citizenship presented recently do not limit rights. In his profile on the social network

Elián González summarizes the values ​​of the people of Cuba

Havana, June 28 (Prensa Latina) Rarely has history summed up the values ​​of the Cuban people as much as in the fight for the well-being of the boy Elián González and his return to the Homeland and family, 24 years ago today. Elián was just a six-year-old pioneer when on November 22, 1999, his mother tried to illegally take him out of Cuba, in a rustic boat that sank in the middle of the Strait of Florida.

Cuba evokes discovery of Che’s remains

Havana, Jun 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuba today commemorates the 27th anniversary of the discovery of the mortal remains of Argentine-Cuban guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara, an event considered a milestone in Cuban science and a symbol of victory. On June 28, 1997, the bodies of Che and six other comrades in arms were found on the runway of an airport in the town of Vallegrande, Bolivia, at the site where 30 years earlier he was assassinated by military personnel from that country.

Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago strengthen ties

Santiago de Cuba, June 28 (Prensa Latina) Authorities from the Trade Facilitation office of Trinidad and Tobago exchanged today with the Development management team of the Santiago de Cuba municipality in the context of the ExpoCaribe 2024 fair in this city. Martha Lucía Martínez participated in the conversations representing Trinidad and Tobago, and for Santiago de Cuba, Oleibis Estrada, director of Development, and Coralis Rodríguez, head of the department of Foreign Trade, Foreign Investment and International Cooperation.

They reiterate invitation to Sri Lankan business community to fair in Cuba

Colombo, Jun 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuban ambassador Andrés González reiterated to Duminda Hulangamuwa, president of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, the invitation to the upcoming edition of the Havana International Fair (FIHAV), it was announced today. González held a brief conversation with Hulangamuwa on the occasion of the 185th Annual General Assembly of the Sri Lankan organization, in which the Cuban diplomat participated together with representatives of other nations, official sources indicated.

Progressive International demands removal of Cuba from terrorist list

Washington, June 28 (Prensa Latina) More than 250 global organizations, grouped in the Progressive International (PI), founded in the United States in 2018, today demand the immediate elimination of Cuba from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism. “Cuba is not a sponsor of terrorism,” the IP stated in an appeal letter published on the social network X, explaining that the Caribbean nation is a sponsor, but of health, peace and liberation.

Argentina condemns inclusion of Cuba in US report

Buenos Aires, June 28 (Prensa Latina) The Union of Cuban Residents in Argentina (URCA) joined the voices that today condemn the arbitrary inclusion of the Caribbean nation in a report by the North American State Department on human trafficking. In a statement, that organization stated that the decision to keep the island in that report “is one more way to punish the Cuban people and government for not bowing to imperial designs.”

Five million euros raised for Cuban tobacco

Havana, June 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuban tobacco authorities today reported the collection of five million 150 thousand euros during a cigar auction in London. A statement from the Habanos SA corporation distributed in Havana this Friday adds that it was a successful presentation on June 27 of products from this island in the United Kingdom, through the first in-person Habanos World Days.


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