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Santa Cruz reaches 47% coverage in influenza vaccination

With the beginning of the winter school holidays, the health authorities of Santa Cruz call on the population to continue with biosecurity measures and complete the influenza vaccination schedule, especially for risk groups.

The director of the Santa Cruz Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), Jaime Bilbao, reported that To date, 47% coverage has been achieved in influenza vaccination.

“We have had a good response from the population, especially from parents who have taken their children to health centers to vaccinate them,” Bilbao highlighted. “This gives us confidence that we are going to have a winter season with fewer flu cases,” she added.

However, the Headquarters director warned that You should not let your guard down during the holidayssince it is a period in which there is greater crowding of people, especially in places such as cinemas, parks and shopping centers.

“It is important that we continue using the chinstrap, alcohol gel and that we go to the doctor if we present any symptoms,” said Bilbao. “It is also important that children who are not yet vaccinated against influenza do so at their nearest health center,” he insisted.

Vaccination during the holidays

Bilbao also clarified that influenza vaccination will not be paralyzed during the school holidays. “We have health centers that operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week”said.

Back to school

For his part, the Departmental Director of Education (DDE), Nelson Alcócer, indicated that the winter school holidays will be extended from Monday, July 1 to July 15if the recess is not extended for another week.

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