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The Córdoba Justice investigates whether Loan Peña is in the province | After a call to 911

The Cordoba justice investigates the complaint of a woman who claimed to have seen a boy of the same age and with physical characteristics similar to those of Loan Danilo Peña last Wednesday, June 26 in the afternoon. According to the woman’s testimony, the events occurred at the door of a health center in the Obispo Angelelli neighborhood.

“Under this, and immediately, multiple search and investigation measures were ordered for the purposes of corroborate or discard this information, which are being completed. The case is in the full state of investigation,” they stated from the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Córdoba in an official statement.

Image: Public Prosecutor’s Office of Córdoba.

For his part, the Minister of Security of Córdoba, Juan Pablo Quiterosgave details of the call she received at 911 with alleged information about Loan Peña’s whereabouts. The woman who contacted the emergency line said she saw a five-year-old boy at the door of a primary health care center accompanied by a person “who would have a Corrientes tune”the official said in television statements.

Furthermore, he detailed that The woman who provided the data “would already be giving a statement.” “I imagine that the investigation will involve taking statements from the people at the dispensary, we imagine that they could have cameras“security,” Quinteros added in a television statement.

How the investigation into Loan’s disappearance continues

The cause of the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña continues its course in the Federal Court under the heading of “investigation of illicit activity.”

This Friday morning some 200 federal agents carried out a new search in the fields near the last place where Loan Danilo Peña was last seen alive, on June 13.

For its part, the Ministry of Security of the Province of Buenos Aires sent to Corrientes four high-range drones to collaborate with the search, said sources from Buenos Aires.

This Friday afternoon, José and Cristian Peña, Loan’s brothers arrived at the Goya Prosecutor’s Office to testify as witnesses before prosecutor Mariano De Guzmán. Yesterday, after 9:45 p.m., Parents and other siblings of the child finished their testimonial statement before the prosecution.

Meanwhile, the seven phones that were seized from the homes of Catalina Peña and Laudelina, grandmother and aunt of Loan Peña, were sent to the City of Buenos Aires. to be examined by specialists from the Federal Police.

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