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Kicillof met with the governor of La Pampa to form a resistance front against Milei


LA PLATA.- The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillofvisited his counterpart from the Pampas today, Sergio Ziliottoand together they harshly criticized the president Javier Milei and the liberal model. They called to set up a front of resistance and cooperation between governors opposed to the Government.

Hours after the Basic Law was approved – which they considered “aberrant” – the leaders denounced the cut in resources to the provinces.

They also called on other governors of different political groups to seek to defend their resources in a message to the leaders allied to Milei who complain about the cuts in their coffers. It was interpreted as a nod to the leaders of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro; Córdoba, Martín Llaryora, and Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerio. “We are looking for unity and breadth,” Kicillof said.

The Buenos Aires governor and Ziliotto agreed that “the ‘I’m going to melt down the provinces’ model is not only a threat, but also a reality from which they must defend themselves.

“Today we have a more unjust, less federal Argentina,” said the governor of La Pampa. “The fiscal package takes resources away from the provinces, the municipalities and their people. What we are doing today is to show that the State is the last line of defense for those who have the least. Even if they take resources away from us, we will continue to work together to make the use of public funds more intelligent every day,” said Ziliotto.

The president of Buenos Aires expressed: “What is happening in the Argentine Republic is calamitous. And in each of our provinces it has more and more effects.”

“Banning the provinces, which seems like a phrase to anger, is sad but it is happening. The National State is deserting,” stressed the governor of Buenos Aires. “This is extremely serious,” he stressed, and said: “Coordination between provinces and regions becomes essential.”

The only meeting between Milei and the 24 governors

“We are in a very complex stage,” Kicillof continued. We already see the effects of this economic policy. Today we observe a fall in GDP, a rise in unemployment. Milei can already comment, while she travels the world, that she caused 155,000 people to lose their jobs in the province of Buenos Aires alone.

Kicillof described the approval of the Bases Law as “aberrant.” He particularly questioned the approval of the RIGI. “They have to explain what the convenience would be,” he said. And he stressed that it is an advance on the autonomy of the provinces. “Federalism is not optional. He has to comply,” he stressed.

Ziliotto stated: “We know Kicillof from the Chamber of Deputies, from other times when there were anti-rights advances. Not much has changed. We are in a very difficult circumstance for the Argentine Republic. We are facing a new country from the point of view of ideology. There are different ways to grow economically. The point is who it benefits.”

Ziliotto went further: “When they look for excuses, they talk about the votes they got. It seems that the votes that the president got have one value and those of the governors, another. Milei believes that his vote is qualified and the governors’ vote is cabotage,” said Ziliotto.

“We will continue working, uniting, seeking a more efficient State, one that better regulates the economy, seeking social justice,” he said.

Kicillof subscribed to every word of Ziliotto. “We come to work for a present State,” he assured during the signing of agreements for cooperation in matters of Health and Safety.

“Concentration does not only occur in companies and resources. Also demographically. I say this so that the national government can listen well: we look at our political action as one that expands rights that are the opposite of every man for himself,” the president of Buenos Aires emphasized.

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