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Laura Sarabia was hospitalized: Petro said she is a victim of “virulent attacks” | News today

The director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency (Dapre), Laura Sarabiait’s found hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unitaccording to the president Gustavo Petro. The announcement was made at the launch of the Solidarity Supply Points in Soacha, Cundinamarca, where the president defended her and her brother from “virulent attacks” after the accusations by influence peddling.

“Laura Sarabia, the director of Dapre, could not accompany us, because she had to be hospitalized yesterday, she even went to intensive care. He has suffered a violent attack via chains, networks, which the press has made official by selling the news without investigating.“, the president said.

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Petro referred to the accusations against the official’s brother, Andres Sarabiafor allegedly benefiting from multimillion-dollar contracts with state entities. The head of state said that it was an “unfounded criticism”, since the investigations did not reveal “anything other than a boy’s struggle to try to survive”.

There is not a single fact that indicates that any type of irregular maneuverof dirty tricks with public funds, has been established. But as it is about denigrating the president, trying to turn his decades-long struggle in Parliament and Congress against corruption into a game of chance,” he said. “They are disregarding the honor of a boy who has nothing to do with us, simply to try to make the president look corruptwhich I am not, nor will I be,” he added.

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The president announced that today Sarabia “is restored” and added that his government took “note of this virulent and false attack” against him. Furthermore, he noted that when the press notices things that their officials have not seen, they proceed “quickly to try to avoid disaster with public money.”

Petro also mentioned his time as the Mayor of Bogotá and stated that there was “sabotage of [Germán] Vargas Lleras”, then vice president, for the improvement of the road in Soacha. He criticized that “the figure of the metropolitan area from the Constitution” had been removed and, thus, denying the “popular power to decide whether a municipality associates with another in the Bogotá savanna.”

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