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A young man denounces several national police officers accused of injuring him at the Córdoba CF celebration

A young man has denounced several agents of the National Police accused of injuring him during Córdoba CF’s celebration for its promotion to the Second Division of Spanish football, which occurred on the night of Monday, June 24, when he was with several friends in the Plaza de the Tendillas of the capital of Cordoba. This complaint joins that of another young man, who was arrested after allegedly being beaten by agents the night before, just after the game, and another by a friend of the young man who is filing now and plans to present in the coming days, according to the family. of the affected person. Specifically, in the complaint to the Guard Court, consulted by Europa Press, it is stated that at around 0.30 a.m. on June 25, “the National Police, without warning and without saying a word, began to charge against the celebrating, shooting ‘rubber balls'” and “attacking people with ‘rubber batons'”, all of this “without even the slightest notice of eviction”, he assures. In this sense, the young man says that he and his group of friends were near an establishment at the beginning of Cruz Conde Street, “and upon seeing the monumental mess that was formed by the police action, we left there relatively quickly. , since we were close to Morería Street”. In this way, several of the group met again, minutes later, on Gran Capitán Boulevard. “There were numerous people, most of them sitting in the spaces designated for this purpose,” specifying that his friends and he were “at the level of the Treasury Delegation in Córdoba,” all “sitting, talking about the events that had occurred minutes before.” “. In this regard, around 1:10 a.m. a friend and he decided to go home, and just when they got up, “several police vans appeared, although they had previously circled the area several times, from which several officers got out with ‘ batons’, and without saying a word”, they supposedly ran towards where they were “with a clearly hostile attitude”. “Logically, the scare was tremendous and instinct made us start running towards the nearest street, specifically towards Góngora Street, on the side of the aforementioned Treasury Delegation,” as indicated. HELP FROM A FRIEND Thus, the young man explains that at the beginning of the aforementioned street he stumbled, “as a result of nervousness”, and fell to the ground, and “at that moment, three police officers caught up with me, and began to hit me with their ‘rubber truncheon’ where they caught him,” according to his story, which adds that he managed to get up and began “to run again, but a few steps later they caught up with me again, beating me with the truncheon.” “The beating stopped when one of my friends who was running with me, upon seeing what was happening, turned towards the police officers to try to get them to stop hitting me,” the young man maintains in his complaint, specifying that “at that moment, the officers They stopped and turned around, leaving me battered.” Thanks to his friend, he arrived home, while emphasizing that “the actions of the agents were at all times offensive, never defensive,” after “without saying the slightest word, those agents came to hit us with their batons” . “They didn’t come to break up a demonstration or arrest anyone; they came to hit us,” the young man remarks in the complaint, and believes that the reason is that he was specifically wearing a Córdoba CF scarf on his wrist. He then went home, where he arrived five minutes later “in a sorry state”, at which point his older brother, upon seeing him, notified his parents, and then they took him by car to the emergency room of a hospital in the capital. , where he was treated for the injuries he had in his left hand with a non-displaced fracture of two fingers, in his back, in his hip and in his right knee. Likewise, a video is provided that circulates on social networks “where the moment is captured precisely where we began to run in the face of the attack by the Police officers,” to which he adds that “in the attached video you can see how other agents are chasing another boy who has also been brutally beaten. “SERIOUS AND COMPLETELY UNJUSTIFIED ATTACK” In short, the young man considers that the events described above represent “a serious and completely unjustified attack” on his person, “the actions of the three police officers clearly being incompatible with the crimes of torture, in its form.” of serious attack on moral integrity, foreseen and punished in article 174 of the Penal Code and of a crime of injuries, foreseen and punished in articles 147 and 148.1o”, as “this is reflected, among others, in the sentence of the Supreme Court, Second Criminal Chamber, 181/2023, of March 15. Appeal 3337/2021. Given this, it begs the Court to consider this complaint and the attached documents presented and to “agree on what is necessary to clarify the facts and to clarify the criminal and civil responsibilities”, while considering “especially important the viewing of the security cameras of the establishments located on Gran Capitán Boulevard”. And for this reason it is of interest to him that “as a matter of urgency – before the aforementioned recordings can be deleted – different establishments are required to provide the Court with the recordings made”, between 00:30 a.m. on June 24 until 01:45 a.m. day 25.

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