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The departments of Escalante, Sarmiento and Río Senguer are the most affected by the intense snowfalls

With snow accumulations exceeding one metre in height in some areas, affecting more than 500,000 heads of cattle in the province.

According to information provided by INTA EEA Chubut, on the current situation in the province of Chubut, it indicated that the departments most affected by last week’s snow storm are Escalante, Sarmiento and Río Senguer. In these areas, the accumulated snowfall values ​​fluctuate between 30 and 80 centimeters, with areas called “overhangs” that exceed one meter in height.

The snowfall affected approximately 500,000 heads of sheep and cattle, due to the extreme conditions that make access to livestock establishments and feeding the animals difficult. In other departments of the province, snowfall left accumulations of between 10 and 30 centimeters.

The satellite image, taken on June 24, shows the areas with snow coverage in dark blue tones, while the lighter colors indicate the presence of cloudiness, which prevents the impact of the meteorological phenomenon from being fully visualized.


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