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the panorama of Colombia, Mexico, Brazil and Chile

On the morning of this Friday, June 28, the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) revealed the Colombia’s unemployment rate in the month of May, which fell and remains in double digits, standing at 10.3%.

At the same time, the number of Latin American countries among which are found was made public Mexico, Brazil and Chilewhich also showed an improvement in job creation.

(More: Unemployment rate in Colombia remains in double digits: in May it was 10.3%).

Colombia unemployment figure

In the case of Colombia, unemployment showed a better percentage compared to the figure for the month of May 2023, when it stood at 10.5%, showing a reduction of 0.2 percentage points.

The Dane also reported that the branches of activity that contributed most to the increase in the employed population are: artistic activities, entertainment, recreation and other service activities; in addition to construction.

(Read: Colombia is the third country with the worst unemployment rate in the OECD).

As for the cities with the highest unemployment ratethe entity revealed that for the quarter from March to May 2024, they were: Quibdó, with 28.6%; Riohacha, with 19.5%; and Florence, with 19.5%Those with the lowest rates were Bucaramanga (8.8%), Santa Marta (9.3%) and Medellín (9.4%).

Finally, Dane indicated that the proportion of the informally employed population at the national level was 55.6%.

Mexico unemployment rate

This Thursday, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) reported that the Unemployment rate in Mexico reached 2.6% last May, a figure lower than the 2.9% rate that occurred in the same month of 2023.

The unemployed population was 1.6 million people and the unemployment rate (UR) was 2.6% of the economically active population (EAP). Compared to May 2023, the unemployed population decreased by 149,000 people and the UR was lower by 0.3 percentage points.“explained the institute.

(See: Global unemployment rate to fall in 2024, according to new ILO projections).

According to information from EFE, underemployed people, that is, Those who declared they had the need and availability to work more hours were 4.4 million7.4% of the employed population, a decrease of 272,000 people before May 2023.

The employed population by sector of activity was distributed with 43.5% of the total in services, 19.7% in commerce, 16.8% in manufacturing, 10.4% in agricultural activities and 8.2% in construction.

Brazil unemployment rate

As for Brazil, the unemployment figure It fell four-tenths compared to April and 1.2 points below the level it had in May 2023, standing at 7.1% in the quarter ending in May 2024, according to data published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

Despite the drop in unemployment, informality in the economy remained practically stable at 38.6% of the employed population, one-tenth less than the previous month.

(More: Nine signs to help you know if you’re at risk of losing your job.)

According to EFE, statistics show that unemployment has been on a downward trend almost without interruption since the beginning of 2020, when it reached a peak of 14.8% due to the crisis caused by the pandemic.

Chile unemployment rate

Finally, Chile’s unemployment figure also came to light, being 8.3% in the quarter from March to May 2024, showing a slight decrease of 0.2% compared to the same date last yearaccording to the information provided by the National Institute of Statistics of Chile (INE).

The entity also reported that in twelve months the estimate of the total number of employed people experienced an increase of 3.3%, affected by both men (3.0%) and women (3.7%).

The sectors that contributed to the increase in the employed population were: public administration, with 16.9%; transport, with 5.3%; and health activities, with 4.2%.

*with information from EFE

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