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Granma meat company for more productive chains at ExpoCaribe

The Vallerojo Meat Company, from Granma, is participating with a business stand at the ExpocCaribe 2024 fair held at the Heredia Theater in Santiago de Cuba.

Assistance in this event seeks to enhance productive chains with other economic actors and the ongoing negotiations with the Colombian company ARCA.

“ExpoCaribe 2024 represents a significant opportunity to expand our market and strengthen Cuba’s presence in the Caribbean,” said Roger Diego Fernández Bodaño, general director of the Vallerojo Meat Company in Granma.

“This Tuesday, the special edition of the economic magazine Opciones, presented within the framework of the international fair ExpoCaribe 2024, recognized the role of young people in the performance of the Vallerojo Meat Company.

“Opportunities for development and professional improvement for graduates who come to the entity from Universities and technical-professional education,” highlights the post on Facebook.

The Cuban province of Granma is attending the ExpoCaribe 2024 fair, which is taking place here from June 26 to 29, with a large representation of state and non-state companies and producers.

“ExpoCaribe is a showcase for 23 entities and more than 120 products from Granma, highlighting the Granmax export hub, of the Fernando Echenique Agroindustrial Grain Company, as well as Cuban Medical Services, Acopio, the meat company, canned vegetables, among others,” Prisciliano Guisado, director of Foreign Trade in that territory, told Prensa Latina.

Prisciliano Guisado said that they have exchanged views with representatives from the Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Panama, as well as Canadians and Americans, which confirms that the opportunities at ExpoCaribe transcend the target geographic area, thus broadening the spectrum and expectations.

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