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The dirty joke that threw Tomás Vodanovic off balance: “You know what, mayor, I have a…”

The mayor of Maipú, Tomas Vodanovicattended the podcast as a guest Nothing to lose, conducted by Roberto Cox and Nico Cabargas.

In relaxed conversation with the mayor, they talked about various topics, one of them in particular was the social life of authority which has been somewhat stagnant due to its municipal work.

Vodanovic acknowledged that he is often told that He may be mayor but he can also go dancing to a nightclub, and people have to understand that.

“Excuse me, mayor”

To which Cox asks him, “what would happen if on a Friday night they invited him to a birthday party?”, the councilman said that In life there is room for everything, but who finds it strange to go to a disco?ask someone to dance and have them say no.

At that moment, Roberto told him: “But you have to go to a disco in Maipú, there you will have support,” and the municipal authority said: “But there is a problem there, they will tell me ‘you know what, mayor, I have a hole outside my house…’.”

Cabargas interrupted and launched “Why don’t you cover it up for me!” moment that caused everyone to laugh. “No, I take care of myself,” Tomás revealed, and Nico added: “Excuse me, mayor.” The comments were clearly swift.

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