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“Federalism is not optional” | In La Pampa, Buenos Aires moved forward with the interprovincial work strategy

The working strategy between the provinces to face the national cuts carried out by the government of Javier Milei put the governor back in the center of the scene Axel Kicillof who this Friday traveled to Santa Rosa to sign agreements with the governor of The Pampa, Sergio Ziliotto.

The two Peronist leaders who openly recognize themselves as opponents of the libertarian administration signed an agreement of collaboration, cooperation and reciprocal assistance between the two provinces in matters of Security, Health, Education, Training, Science and Technology, Digital Government, Connectivity and Modernization. That is, almost a complete agenda of joint work for “ratify federalism” that both administrations defend.

“We will deepen joint work with the provinces because federalism is not optional: We are here because we swear to comply with and enforce the National Constitution“said Kicillof during the event that took place in the Assembly Hall of the Pampas Government House.

The work between the two provinces had been developing for several months and, in fact, had its first public information last month when the Minister of Community Development of Buenos Aires, Andres Larroquereceived his pair from La Pampa, Diego Alvarez.

In that sense, Ziliotto spoke of “giving institutionality to a long-standing work” and assured that “the defense of those who have the least and in defense of federalism, which is something that we have not only been declaiming, but also putting into practice”.

The interaction between Buenos Aires residents and Pampa residents arises spontaneously in many border municipalities“What we are doing today aims to generate mutual agreements that enhance and improve our services in the areas of health, education, security and work,” Kicillof added.

What was signed?

With the signature of the Minister of Education of La Pampa, Marcela Feuerschvengerand the Minister of Government of Buenos Aires, Carlos Biancoit was agreed to work on the “exchange of experiences and good practices and to carry out programs, plans and actions of collaboration and mutual assistance in the field of training.”

With the Minister of Connectivity and Modernization of La Pampa, Antonio CurciarelloBianco signed an agreement on the Training of Workers, which aims to carry out training and education activities for public administration workers.

As for Security, the holders of both portfolios, Javier Alonso and Horace of Naples They agreed to “broad cooperation and reciprocal assistance in matters of new technologies applied to security.” While in health matters, the Minister of Health of La Pampa, Mario Kohan and the Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Nicholas Kreplakwill coordinate programs and “actions in the areas of health, research, training, computer systems, capacity building, logistics and equipment, intervention techniques and any other aspect that may contribute to guaranteeing the right to health of the inhabitants of both provinces.”

According to the details from the Province of Buenos Aires, the joint work was increased in what refers to the world of work, since those responsible for the labor portfolios, Marcelo Pedehontaa and Walter Correacommitted to advancing inspection tasks to guarantee compliance with working conditions in each of their jurisdictions.

Finally, a Professional Training agreement for Lawyers was also signed between the General Counsel of the Government of Buenos Aires and the Legal Counsel of La Pampa. There, the General Advisor of the Government of Buenos Aires set the hook, Santiago Perez Teruel and the Legal Advisor to the Government of La Pampa, Griselda Ostertag.

The interprovincial strategy

“After the approval of an aberrant law such as the Base Lawwhich does not bring anything good for our country,” said Kicillof during his visit to La Pampa, with which he added his third photo of interprovincial management, which had been preceded by the institutional rapprochements with the governor of Chubut, IGnacio Torresand with its counterpart from Santa Fe, Maximilian Pullaro.

With the Patagonian PRO, he signed an agreement from which Buenos Aires loaned 15 ambulances to the Government of Chubut and made other resources available to collaborate with the health management of the Torres administration. “Federalism is not only the link with a national State that today is failing to fulfill its obligations, it is also strengthening cooperation between all provinces to guarantee the rights of Argentine men and women,” said the man from Buenos Aires on that occasion.

Axel Kicillof and the governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torres.

With the radical from Santa Fe, he signed an agreement aimed at strengthening cooperation between both provinces in the area of ​​investigation and the fight against drug trafficking and other complex crimes. These interprovincial agreements also had a special chapter this week with Córdoba de Martin Llaryora: The Collection Agency of the province of Buenos Aires (ARBA) and the Secretariat of Public Revenue of the Mediterranean province signed an agreement to coordinate joint inspection actions.

“Although these types of agreements are always necessary, today they contrast and look much more because we are going through a very complicated stage, in which The national government disregards federalism and deserts its responsibilities“, assured Kicillof and added: “In the absence of the national State in key areas for the well-being of our population, coordination between the provinces has become essential: The province of Buenos Aires cannot and does not want to save itself alone.”


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