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Inpec confirmed the escape of two prisoners from La Picota prison in Bogotá, one of them sentenced to 13 years

Two men who were serving sentences in the La Picota maximum security prison in Bogotá, They escaped in the early hours of this Friday, confirmed the National Penitentiary Institute, INPEC.

The authorities learned of the facts once the routine count was carried out inside the prison’s courtyards. There, It was noteworthy that two men identified as Eusebio de Jesús Agudelo Hernández and Sebastián Molina López did not respond to the call.. This situation triggered the alerts and the activation of the respective protocols, which showed that In fact, they had escaped through a gate.

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“It was ordered to open an investigation immediately where allow to establish the failures in the service and those responsible who will be on duty and so ons,” stated the director of Inpec, Colonel Daniel Gutiérrez.

This Friday in the country’s capital and its surroundings the search operations to find the recapture of the criminals as soon as possible.

“A search and control operation was ordered and coordination was made with the National Police in order to activate a search plan for these fugitives with the purpose of determining their whereabouts as soon as possible.”added the director.

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It turned out that one of these men had already served 11 of the 13 years of the sentence which was imposed on him for the crimes of conspiracy to commit a crime, manufacturing, trafficking and possession of firearms.

As for the other escapee, it was learned that he is responsible for the crimes of homicide and conspiracy to commit a crime.

In this regard, the director of the Institute urgently requested the competent control bodies initiate investigations where necessary to establish responsibilities.

“It was requested by proposal of the Attorney General’s Office to open an investigation to be more transparentWe want to be forceful in our investigations and in finding those responsible for these regrettable situations. We continue to work every day within the framework of humanization and transparency in the penitentiary system,” the official concluded.

Other provisions adopted in connection with this case were the activation, by the National Police and the Army, of a lockdown plan and the opening of an internal disciplinary investigation of all the officials who were on duty at the establishment on Thursday night.

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