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Supreme Court rejects appeal for clarification and Krist Naranjo must serve two-month suspension

Lawyer Isidro Solís, representative of Regional Governor Krist Naranjo, presented a request for clarification before the Supreme Court after the ruling that ordered her suspension from office for two months.

However, the Supreme Court responded by stating that “since there are no unclear points to clarify, there is no grounds for it,” and that the authority must therefore comply with the previous resolution.

The appeal for clarification sought for the Court to rule on which body should enforce the governor’s sanction. The lawyer and UCEN academic, María José Lira, explained that “Isidro Solís argued that the responsibilities of the governors are handled by Tricel and not another public body. However, that was discarded, since it is correct for all other matters except the use of a tax vehicle. In that case, the regulations grant exclusive powers to the Comptroller’s Office with respect to any official.”

Lira added: “There is no distinction between whether he is elected, whether he is a mayor, whether he is a minister, or even whether he is the President of the Republic. It was a sterile discussion. For this reason, several of us argued that it was an appeal that sought to clarify something that was already clear. The Court determined that there was nothing doubtful and rejected the appeal.”

Now it is up to the Comptroller General to issue a new resolution stipulating the two-month suspension and 50% of the salaries. “This new resolution must be notified to the Governor and from that moment the two-month suspension will begin to run,” explained the academic.

Therefore, once the authority has been notified, the suspension must begin to be enforced.


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