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GN charges unfair fines and even “monthly fees” to transporters in SLP: AMOTAC – El Sol de San Luis

Elements of the National Guard have taken retaliatory actions against transporters adhering to the Mexican Alliance of Transport Organizations AC (AMOTAC), to whom they impose Fines from 10 thousand to 50 thousand pesossome even They charge a “monthly fee” to the transporters, he denounced Raul Torres Mendozanational advisor of AMOTAC.

Torres Mendoza pointed out that recently, It seems that the elements of the National Guard are only dedicated to imposing infractions instead of providing surveillance and security on the roads.since they also resort to sanctions for minimal details, for example he mentioned that there are transporters who come to fill up with gasoline in the Industrial Zone, and they have been fined because they do not have a spare tire.

He stated that There have been around 12 incidents of fines being issued, which despite being for minor details, amount to 10 thousand or 15 thousand pesos, up to 50 thousand pesos.. One of the patrols that has been identified with this trend is 23440, and he accused that in addition “there are some bad elements that come from other states to charge monthly fees to some transporters, we are not going to allow it, we are pointing them out so that they are transferred to another state.”

He denounced that “we are also having reprisals that literally They tell the operators that as long as they say that AMOTAC represents them, they will continue to infringe themwho do not want to know anything about AMOTAC”, and although they have presented complaints to the local commanders of the National Guard, they have not provided a solution to this problem, because apparently they do not want the elements to know that attention was given to the organization.

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Because of that, On July 3, the national leader of AMOTAC, Rafael Ortiz Pacheco, will be in San Luis Potosí to meet with the commander of the National Guard, Roberto Molina.“so that we can hear the feelings of the transporters who are being subjected to the actions of bad elements.”

Torres Mendoza pointed out that AMOTAC’s demand has always been that the National Guard fulfill its task of patrolling the roads to improve safety and avoid accidents, since these have increased, and with the presence of patrols for private motorists and transporters They slow down, so it works as a preventive act.

Ortiz Pacheco’s visit will also be used to present a young entrepreneurs projectwhich consists of a platform that will help establish a link between carriers and companies that may require their services.

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