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Fundación Futuro summoned teachers from all over Chile to learn about heritage education in La Serena

From this Thursday, June 27th to Saturday, June 29th, the Futuro Foundation restarted one of its most beloved educational programs, its Cultural Internships especially focused on the development and support of teachers in the country. In the Coquimbo Region, its 30th edition is taking place, bringing together teachers from all over Chile to learn more about heritage, explore its landscapes and learn first-hand about the rich history of the northern region.

This new beginning and special strengthening of the foundation’s programs and workshops have a special emotional connotation, following the death of the founder and former president of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, last February.

Bringing together 30 teachers from all over Chile, the Foundation, now headed by Cecilia Morel, invites them to learn and get to know more about the culture of the Coquimbo Region. This initiative, entitled Cultural Internship: “The city, an educational space”, takes place between La Serena and Vicuña.

Cecilia Morel, Executive Director of the Futuro Foundation, stressed the importance of this initiative that returned with energy choosing La Serena as the main city.

“Providing tools to teachers in Chile is essential, since they are the trainers of the future of our country. Through Cultural Internships, we seek for teachers to acquire new knowledge about heritage through experiences in cities and natural environments, considered as “open classrooms that enrich the educational process. In this way, education is approached from a broader, modern and enriching perspective, ultimately benefiting students,” he indicated.

In three days, teachers will visit emblematic places such as the Lighthouse, the Railway Station and La Recova in La Serena. In addition, the program includes a visit to the Mistralian route, allowing participants to get to know Vicuña, Montegrande and Paihuano, and learn more about the pisco culture of the area. These activities not only enrich teachers’ knowledge, but also promote true national integration between teachers from different regions of the country.

This program, exclusive for educators, has been a constant in the last three decades and includes for selected teachers: transfers, food and access to all activity venues. Fundación Futuro invites all Coquimbo teachers to stay tuned and visit for the next call for Cultural Internship this second semester of 2024, allowing you to get to know another region of the country and learn about the wide range of programs focused on improving the country’s education.

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