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They will pay tribute to Pedro Díaz Coello in Holguín

The first commemorative day in honor of the local martyr Pedro Díaz Coello “History and present” will be held between June 29 and December 26, 2024 in Holguín.

With the aim of highlighting the figure of Pedro Díaz Coello and, consequently, recognizing the work of all the young people from Holguín who were part of the 26th of July Movement and fought underground, the event was called by the Union of Historians of Cuba and the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in the province.

The commemoration phase is made up of 150 actions, including book presentations, workshops, conferences, hikes and camping trips, festivals, galas, exhibitions, community activities and generational meetings.

Pedro Diaz Coello.

The activities, in which the government, mass organizations and educational, sports, health, social and cultural institutions of the province also participate, are linked to other celebrations of historical dates such as July 26, Fidel’s birth, Educator’s Day and the Revolutionary Triumph.

Pedro Díaz Coello was one of the founders of the M-26-7 in the city and top leader of this movement in the Holguín territory, who was involved in sabotage, fundraising, and distribution of propaganda; until he was arrested for the last time on December 26, 1956 and murdered in the well-known Bloody Easter.

Author: Editorial now!



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