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Córdoba and a new green light for Javier Milei

For the libertarian space, officially recognized as Freedom Advances in Córdobathe deputies Bornoroni (who managed to be the protagonist of the unblocking of the Bases Law) and Celeste Ponce voted positively. The same was done Cecilia Ibañez, from MID.

In the case of the PRO, both Laura Rodríguez Machado as Belén Avico and the former referee Héctor Baldassi They also accompanied. Thus, the organic alignment of the Cordoba Macri government was established.

Within radicalism, all the votes were positive. Rodrigo De Loredo (another protagonist), Gabriela Brouwer de Koning, Soledad Carrizo and Luis Picat supported the law last night in the Lower House.

Curiously, the radical discourse attempted to distance itself from the national government. “We do not want their embassies, nor their international positions. “We do not want to be part of his government,” De Loredo said during the debate to the ironic laughter of many of the deputies.

Embed – Deputy of Loredo, Rodrigo – UCR – Session 06-27-2024 – PL

Cordobesismo expects return of favors

For its part, the provincial government also expressed a broad level of support. Despite its reproaches for the abrupt cut in the shared funds, the governor Martin Llaryora He provided support that was accepted by the vast majority.

Deputy Carlos Gutiérrez, Ignacio García Aresca, Alejandra Torres, Oscar Agost Carreño and Juan Brügge They accompanied the rule by the block of We make a Federal Coalition. Although the last two legislators do not respond directly to Llaryora, they did organically align themselves with the governor’s request.

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The people of Córdoba supported the Bases Law.

Now, The people of Córdoba will be waiting for a return of gestures from the national government. The main demand is focused on repairing the deficit of the Pension Fund, and the allocation of resources for the completion of unfinished public works.

Thus, support for the Bases Law could be a positive or negative breaking point in the relationship between the Córdoban ruling party and the national one. Everything seems to depend on libertarian compliance with an implicit agreement without concrete guarantees that, if not fulfilled under political logic, could once again leave Córdoba as under the effect of “island” just as it happened during the Kirchnerist mandates.

Those who do not

Among the deputies from Cordoba who They did not support the Bases Law, Natalia de la Sota highlighted. The Córdoba legislator distanced herself from her bench and supported her position, after her explicit support for Sergio Massa in the November 2023 runoff.

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Natalia de la Sota stood out.

Furthermore, the legislators of Union for the Homeland like the deputy Pablo Carro and the deputy Gabriela Estevez. Thus, Córdoba totaled only three negative votes that were sustained in all stages of the debate.

If the vision is expanded, Córdoba added even more support by analyzing what happened in the Senate. There, the three Córdoba seats gave the green light with the votes of Luis Juez, Carmen Álvarez Rivero and Alejandra Vigo from Córdoba, leaving the score 18 to 3.

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