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The Alliance of Christians of Cuba demands that the regime release political prisoners and grant permission to register new churches

“The Alliance of Christians of Cuba will continue to defend, pray and fight for the dignity of the Cuban people.“This is what the group expressed this week after holding its second assembly and denouncing the violations of religious freedom committed by the regime and demanding that the Cuban Government allow new churches to be registered. The meeting was held this June 26 in Las Tunas and The more than 60 Christian congregations that make up the alliance issued a joint statement.

“We are against the government policy of violating the right to freedom of religion and belief contained in Article 18 of the International Bill of Human Rights,” they stressed, while demanding “that the legal framework that allows new churches to be registered in order to have legal support within Cuban law.”

This action, they said, would be an important step “so that the Cuban government or any social actor can be sued when violate freedom of religion and beliefs”.

Likewise, they demanded “the immediate release of all political prisoners and conscience that remain today in the prisons of the Island” and, in this sense, they demanded that the Cuban Government “respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of which it is a signatory.”

Likewise, they asked “the immediate cessation of the application of pre-criminal judicial processes because they directly violate the international right to the presumption of innocence, a right that is mentioned in the current constitution of the Republic of Cuba.”

In addition, members of the Alliance of Christians of Cuba urged the regime to “respect and support the dignity of women and to stop violence and femicides within the Island”. “To mitigate violence against women, we demand that police authorities focus their work on protecting citizens instead of spending their resources on persecuting those who think and demonstrate against government policy,” they added.

“The current situation of workers on the Island remains precarioussince for their efforts, Cuban citizens do not receive a salary that covers their basic needs, despite generating considerable income that ends up in the Government’s coffers,” they denounced and, in this sense, demanded “the cessation of all manifestations of slavery exercised by the Cuban Government” and supported “the international lawsuit that the Cuban Government faces for using ‘medical missions’ as a source of foreign currency income for the country, violating in the process the fundamental rights of medical personnel working abroad” .

The Alliance of Christians of Cuba emerged in November 2022 in the city of Las Tunas. Its main objective is fight for freedom of association and worship on the Islandand work on the release of political prisoners, who currently number more than 1,000.

Currently, relations between the regime and the Catholic Church and other religious orders are tense.due to the constant criticism published by several priests on their Facebook profiles, referring to the comprehensive breakdown of Cuban society.

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