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“If a minor commits a crime committed by an adult, he should receive an appropriate sentence”

The UCR legislator expressed his support for the juvenile penal regime promoted by ministers Bullrich and Cúneo Libarona.

The provincial legislator Augustin Romano Norri (UCR) supported the juvenile criminal law project announced by the ministers Patricia Bullrich (Security and Mariano Cúneo Libarona (Justice).

According to the radical, many minors will think twice before committing a crime, since they could end up in prison or in a punishment center.

“Today many minors commit crimes because they know they cannot be punished and that is something we must put an end to,” he argued. He added: “If a minor commits a crime committed by an adult, it is right that he receives a sentence appropriate to the type of crime.”

Romano Norri said that age cannot be used as an excuse for many crimes to go unpunished just because of age. “A minor who uses a weapon knows that he has a high chance of killing someone and that is why he should be convicted,” he added.

The legislator commented that he will work with his team to propose a rule so that the Tucumán Legislature adheres to the national rule once it is approved by the National Congress.

“This is a topic that always comes up during all visits to the neighborhoods. Insecurity is one of the main concerns of the people and I will work so that Justice has all the necessary tools to judge all crimes, regardless of the age of the accused,” Romano Norri concluded.

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