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Javier Milei’s agenda after the sanction of the Bases Law | First legislative victory for the Government

Caputo will give a lecture from the Ministry of Economy

The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, will hold a press conference together with the president of the Central Bank, Santiago Bausili, from the headquarters of the Treasury Palace.

Although they did not reveal the topic they will discuss, the meeting was held hours after President Javier Milei announced that he will make “changes to the monetary regime” following the approval of the Ley Bases.

The IMF welcomed the sanction of the Bases Law

The spokesperson for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Julie Kozack, celebrated the legislative victory of Javier Milei with the approval of the Ley Bases and the fiscal package. She also stated that they will continue “collaborating constructively with the economic team” of the national government in the elaboration of “policies to create a more prosperous and stable Argentina.”

“We welcome Congress’ approval of key fiscal and structural legislation, as well as measures to strengthen the monetary policy framework. Their aim is to improve the quality of fiscal consolidation, further reduce inflation and support economic recovery,” he said on his X account.

Milei questioned the bonus for retirees

President Javier Milei relativized the need for retirees to need a bonus of 70 thousand pesos which was granted to them to alleviate the low value of their assets, which are below the poverty line. And not only that, but he refused to confirm that this extra contribution will be granted again: “We are not going to lie to you by giving you things that do not exist”said.

What the president did when asked about it was subject the delivery of another bonus to the vicissitudes of fiscal balancebut not the needs of those who cannot make ends meet and must cut back on their already crippled domestic economy.

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A Government without memory: Adorni confirmed that the closure of Conadi is being analyzed

The presidential spokesman avoided confirming the Casa Rosada’s plan to remove the powers of the National Commission for the Right to Identity (Conadi) to investigate cases of appropriation and access files held by the State, but confirmed that it is something under analysis.

“What we are always going to do is make the truth known, the complete truth,” Adorni argued and specifically about Conadi he said: “There is no determination yet, there will surely be one about continuity or not.”

“If we see that certain organizations that deal with the missing are going against the truth, we will indeed take action on the matter,” the spokesman said.

Law Bases, Profits and Personal Assets: how the deputies voted

The government managed to approve in the early hours of the morning its first package of measures to dismantle the State and deregulate the economy in favor of the most concentrated capitals, together with the support of those that the deputy Oscar Zago described yesterday as “friendly blocks”: macrismo, radicalism, those led by Miguel Pichetto and the three Peronists from Catamarca who respond to the fold of the new allied governor Raúl Jalil.

Both the aforementioned Base Law and the fiscal package and the most discussed articles on the Income and Personal Property Tax had different votessome tighter than others and some more comfortable than some.

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Everything that will cease to exist with the Bases Law

With the approval of the official project, Milei will have the authority to “modify, transform, unify, dissolve or liquidate public trust funds.” This is not something new: he had already been implementing, for example, the defunding of the FISU, in charge of carrying out works in the poorest neighborhoods. There will also be no money for the Fire Management Plan or the Progresar scholarships for students.

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Caputo celebrates

The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, welcomed the approval of the Ley Bases and the Fiscal Package, while thanking the support of “politicians who care about people.”

“Congratulations to our leaders who worked so hard these past six months to reach an agreement and thanks to all the politicians who care about the people,” the minister said on social media.

Caputo accompanied his post on the “X” network with a row of Argentine flags. The regulations give the minister a series of tools to deepen the adjustment.

Milei attacked Lula again

The President refused to apologize to his Brazilian counterpart and doubled down: “I called him corrupt and a communist, isn’t he?”

Milei said that Lula “has the same mechanism as Petro and Sánchez” and accused him of “actively getting involved in our electoral campaign.” “What I said about Lula is true,” she insisted.

In the last few hours, the Brazilian president had said in an interview that his Argentine counterpart should apologize to Brazil and to him for the insults. Both will meet face to face next week at the Mercosur summit in Asunción.

Milei and the “phase 2” of his government

The President announced that he is beginning a “second phase” of his economic plan after the approval of the Base Law.

Among other points, he said that at this stage they will begin to “take advantage of the returns from having carried out the stabilization” and there will be “an investment process where the RIGI plays a fundamental role.”

“Phase 2 also means starting to definitively end the problem of inflation,” predicted Milei, who insisted on his intention to pass a law declaring the issuance of money a “crime against humanity.” “The president, the Minister of the Economy, and the president of the Central Bank are going to jail,” he said.

Regarding dollarization, he said that it will “occur naturally” from currency competition. “Endogenous dollarization” was the president’s exact definition.

Milei celebrated the Ley Bases and announced that we are moving “from the zero deficit stage to the zero emission stage”

President Javier Milei celebrated the sanction of the Base Law and the Fiscal Package by maintaining that he considers it “a historical and monumental milestone for history.” In addition, he said that Argentina is going through the second stage of its economic plan, “zero emission.”

“It is a historical and monumental milestone for Argentine history. It is five times larger than Menem’s reform, if we add to that that the DNU is in force, it means that Argentina has 800 economic deregulation provisions,” he celebrated after the Chamber of Deputies will approve the articles and the modifications of the law approved in the Senate.

He also stressed: “We have moved from a zero deficit stage to a zero emission stage. The change in the monetary regime.”


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