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Police recovered more than 16 thousand gallons of hydrocarbon

The National Police, through the Directorate of Carabineros and Environmental Protection, executes at the national level the Institutional Strategy for the Protection of Natural Capital – EICAN, achieving in Cesar the recovery of 16,300 gallons of hydrocarbons (12,300 Gls of gasoline and 4 thousand Gls of Diesel) and the neutralization of three illegal valves in Cesar.

Through the Hydrocarbon Special Operations Group and in coordination with the inspectors for prevention and control of seizure of the company CENIT, they carried out forceful operational procedures within the framework of the sustained operation Gibraltar II, in the municipalities of Chiriguaná, Pailitas and San Martín in the department of Cesar, after the Information System, Analysis and Control of Hydrocarbon Seizure, issued an alert due to the opening of flows at several mileage points on the Pozos Colorados Galán –PPG 14 transport line.

This is how the National Police officers went to the indicated sectors and thanks to the quick reaction, they managed to capture two men and immobilize two tanker-type vehicles and one truck-type vehicle, and also seized four “dice” type containers; elements that were left at the disposal of the Attorney General’s Office of the Nation for the crime of receiving hydrocarbons.

“It should be noted that “Gibraltar II” so far in 2024 throughout the national territory has managed to capture 50 people for crimes directly associated with the Seizure of Hydrocarbons (19 of these have materialized in the department of Cesar), as well “The recovery of 83,669 gallons of hydrocarbons and the immobilization of 40 vehicles involved in these events,” reported Brigadier General William Castaño Ramos, director of Carabineros and Environmental Protection.

With these operational results, the National Police reaffirms its commitment to our communities and institutions to safeguard the life and property of the nation in order to obtain successful experiences in the management and control of the seizure of hydrocarbons throughout the national territory.

During the operation, two men were arrested and two cargo vehicles were immobilized.

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