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Ministries of Equality, Sports and Environment, the most ‘failed’ in budget execution

The poor budget execution of several ministries attached to the National Government will be one of the central points that President Gustavo Petro will have for the third major shake-up in his cabinet.

President Gustavo Petro confirmed that before July 20 he will shake up his ministerial cabinet for the last two years he has left in the Casa de Nariño. The low budget execution will be taken into account for the changes. Photo: Archive/VANGUARDIA

With the aim of having a more technical cabinet for his last two years in the Casa de Nariño, the president Gustavo Petro confirmed that before July 20 he will make a splash in his ministerial cabinet, for which it will take into account the budget execution that the different portfolios have had so far in 2024.

While it is true The scandals that have surrounded some of the ministers will also be taken into account In addition to the shake-up, the low budget execution would also be taken into account by the head of State for the restructuring he wants to do to face his last two years in the Government Palace.

As has been well known, the newly created Ministry of Equality and Equity, which is led by the vice president France Marquezis the one with the least budget execution, since It does not even reach 1% so far in 2024. That is, the portfolio that was overturned by the Constitutional Court for 2026, only has 0.62% compliance.

But Equality is not the only portfolio that is ‘cracked’ in budget execution. Ministry of Sport, led by Luz Cristina López, also has one of the lowest figures, since has only managed to execute 8.25% of the budget. This portfolio has a budget of $1,364,340,146,323 and has only earned $96,976,698,834.

In that same list of ministries with low execution figures is that of Environmentof Susana Muhamadthat It only reaches 9.17% of the budget expenditure of $1,217,532,974,369. The Ministries of the Interior (11.8%) and Defense (12.87%) have similar percentages.

These portfolios of the National Government are followed by Justice (18.34%), Agriculture (2′.19%), Job (21.82 %), Tourism (24.06 %), Transport (24.06 %), Science (26.85 %), Culture (27.89 %), Tax authorities (28.93%) and Chancellery (29.94%).

Exceeding 30%

Although it is true that there are several portfolios that have not complied with budget execution and that have also failed to comply with parts of the National Development Plan, Colombia, World Power of Lifethere are other portfolios that have already managed to exceed 30% of the resources assigned for the current term.

This is the case of the Ministry of living placewhich is under the leadership of Catalina Velasco. This portfolio, among its different social programs, has managed to rebound with 36.55% of budget execution, being among the five ministries with the highest number of resources used in the period.

Andres Camacho, in front of the Ministry of Mines and Energyhas managed to advance with a 38, 42% budget execution, thus following that of ICT, which accounts for 42.18% of expenses in the goals set for the period.

“We are the third ministry with the best budget execution so far in 2024. This motivates us to work with greater will and commitment for the digital transformation of the country. Likewise, we occupy first place in terms of management taking into account that we do not operate through the General Participation System. To date we have invested $981 billion; This is equivalent to 42% of our budget for this year”stated the ICT Minister, Mauricio Lizcano.

As has happened in several governments, the Ministry of Educationn, which has a Aurora Vergara in front, It has a budget execution rate of 42.79%. The high figure in this portfolio is largely due to social programs for higher education.

Although the reform to the health in the Seventh Commission of the Senate of the Republic, The ministry of this sector has the highest execution with 45.85%, of the total of $59,599,328,008,844.

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