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As of July 1, Enrique Galindo returns to the city council of the capital of SLP

During the 12th ordinary session of the San Luis Potosí council, it was announced that the municipal president of the capital with license, Enrique Galindo Ceballos will return to his functions.

Before concluding the session, the Secretary General of Government, Daniel Hernandez Delgadoannounced that in a letter sent to the Cabildo, by the licensed mayor, Enrique Galindo formally announced his return to office by popular mandate that was conferred upon him.

The return of Enrique Galindo It had been announced a few weeks ago, after the electoral authorities gave him the certificate of majority, with which he legally became the first president of San Luis Potosí to have won reelection to the position, four months before his new term of government begins. 2024-2027.

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For her part, the current interim municipal president, Alexandra Daniel Cid Gonzálezreported that once Galindo Ceballos returns to her duties on July 1, she will once again be part of the council by occupying her position as eighth councilor and before the current administration ends, she will approach the municipal president to see if she could occupy a new position within the councilor’s cabinet for the period 2024-2027.

Enrique Galindo Ceballos requested license in charge in the month of Aprilprior to beginning the contest for re-election to the municipal presidency of San Luis Potosí, which he won in the elections of June 2, 2024; his leave had been voted on and approved by the council and would conclude until September 30 of this same year.


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