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51% progress has a housing emergency plan in the Los Ríos Region

This involves 2,861 completed homes that have improved the quality of life of families in various communities.

The Housing Emergency Plan in the Los Ríos region is now 51 percent complete, according to the regional minister of Housing and Urban Development, Daniel Barrientos, and the director(s) Jorge Hervia.

Daniel Barrientos explained that the halfway point has been crossed with nearly 2,400 homes under construction and another 1,400 ready to start.

“This will allow us to leave a good number of housing solutions and, above all, expand mechanisms such as the land bank and other tools that we are promoting, whether small condominiums or industrialized homes,” he said.

Serviu’s acting director, Jorge Hervia, stressed that “our eminently social ministry has the mission of improving the quality of life of our families and in that sense the Housing Emergency Plan is an urgent and priority that we have addressed responsibly, carrying out work with the committees and jointly addressing the challenges presented by each project.”

It should be noted that in the country there is a progress of 47.4%, which implies 123,283 completed homes, to which are added 121,921 in execution and 84,452 approved and ready to begin construction.

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