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Will you visit the Bosque Popular in Manizales this weekend? There are restrictions on entry

Photo | Archive | LA PATRIA The Mayor’s Office of Manizales, through the Manizales Events and Tourism Promoter, invites the community to enjoy exciting sporting events in an environment of connection with nature, while thanking people for their understanding and patience.

The Manizales Events and Tourism Promoter, administrator of the El Prado Popular Forestreported that this weekend, from Friday (June 28) to Sunday (June 30), This space will host three sporting events, so there will be restrictions on entry.

The events are:

  • Iron Warrior (extreme sports competition).
  • Valid Pre-Grand National BMX
  • IV Valid of the GW Shimano UCI C2 National Cup

The Promoter indicated that only authorized vehicles will be allowed to enter the El Prado Popular Forest.; The pedestrian entrance will be open to all visitors. In addition, alternate parking spaces have been enabled in Lusitania and Expoferias.

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