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Boyacá Treasury Secretariat trains uniformed members of the National Army to jointly counter smuggling in the department

The Collection and Inspection Directorate seeks to increase the scope of the anti-smuggling campaign of liquor, beer and cigarettes called ‘Take it seriously’ in rural areas of Boyacá.

Tunja, June 28, 2024. (UACP). The Treasury Department of the Boyacá Grande government began educational sessions in different battalions of the department to prevent and counteract the smuggling of adulterated liquor, beer and cigarettes.

Through this initiative, which is part of the anti-smuggling campaign called ‘Take it seriously’, the aim is to increase the scope and effectiveness of control actions for these products, in order to mitigate health effects and economic losses for the department that, through the consumption tax, raises resources to invest in health, education and sports.

The first training sessions were held with personnel from the General Simón Bolívar Infantry Battalion No. 1 of Tunja and the Instruction and Training Battalion No. 1 of Samacá.

Julián Antonio Piña, director of Collection and Inspection of the Ministry of Finance, highlighted the transformative power of information as a tool to reach the rural areas of Boyacá.

“From this direction we carry out training actions for soldiers to give them information about contraband products. We also institutionally strengthen efforts against this problem. In this way, we take advantage of the presence of our National Army in the different municipalities and even more so in rural areas, because we want to guarantee presence in the 123 municipalities,” said Piña.

The official invited the community to follow the following recommendations to avoid the consumption of illegal products:

* Buy from trusted and authorized establishments.
* Report suspicions through the telephone line: 3176458873, or by email: [email protected]
* Inform and share life-saving knowledge with your friends and family about the risks of consuming adulterated liquor.

(End / Labibi Vargas Younes – Communicator / Ministry of Finance).
Communications and Protocol Administrative Unit.
Boyacá Governorate.


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