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Holguín celebrated Transport Workers’ Day › Cuba › Granma

Holguín. The transportation of just over 34 million passengers so far this year, thanks to alternatives including the use of leased buses with routes established through contracts, was a major factor in this province being chosen as the venue for the national event for Transport Workers’ Day, held today.

During the celebration it was also highlighted that under the principle of creative resistance with which the intensification of the United States blockade is faced, the recovery of railway activity continues, which is reflected in the stable service of the Holguín Havana train, the reestablishment of the Holguín Antilla and Holguín Guantánamo trains and the reconstruction of motor cars.

There are also 11 railbuses in operation on 21 approved routes, including 9 in rural areas with difficult access. The restoration of these means of transport continues through the adaptation of Diana buses and improvements are being made to the branches they use, which includes the construction of turnarounds.

Similarly, the operation of the Port-Transport-Domestic Economy chain has faced the fragmentation of the entry of standardized products from the basic basket, mainly those prioritized as rice, which has required port workers and drivers to extend their night and weekend work days.

One of the most emotional moments of the day was the moment when the “José María Pérez Capote” Distinction, awarded by the National Union of Transport and Ports, was placed by Joel Queipo Ruiz, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and first secretary of the organization in the province, on the chest of a group of workers, who have accumulated 20 and 25 years of uninterrupted exemplary work.

Another memorable moment was the warm ovation that those present gave to José Ramón Ricardo Sarmiento, once he was awarded, for 50 years of work, the recognition for the Work of Life, conferred by the Ministry and the National Union of the branch.

The event was also attended by the Governor of Holguín, Manuel Hernández Aguilera; Roberto Ricardo Marrero, Deputy Minister of Transport; and Katia Labrada Vidal, General Secretary of the branch union.

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