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Little Patagonians who created the name for the 2024 Araucanía Games mascot receive an award

“Calafatín” is the name given to the mascot. Meet the winners.

The awards ceremony for the mascot name contest for the Araucanía Games edition No. 31, organized by the Aysén Region, was held at the regional Sports Institute.

Mateo and Isidora, siblings aged six and eight respectively, were welcomed by the regional secretary of sports, María Eugenia Durán, and the acting director of the National Sports Institute (IND) Aysén, Javier Medina.

After sharing with the winning family, the authorities presented the respective prizes consisting of sports kits donated by the regional Ministry of Sports (Mindep), IND and the Ministry of Social Development and Family through its Elige Vivir Sano program.

In this regard, the regional secretary of Sports, María Eugenia Durán, expressed her joy at being with the winners of the contest that fulfilled the objective of giving an identity to the mascot of the contest to be held in the region.

“We are delighted with this visit from Isidora, Mateo and their parents. We are delighted that it is a family associated with sport that has won the prize. They have told us that they play football, so we are sure that they will also make very good use of the sports kits that are part of the prize,” said the regional minister.

For his part, the acting regional director of the IND, Javier Medina, highlighted the importance of this milestone in the organization of the Araucanía Games in Aysén.

“This is a very important and significant milestone for the Games that we are organizing as a region. Thanks to the creativity of the children, our Chucao has a name that will represent us and will be known not only in Chile, but also in Argentina,” said Medina.

Likewise, Bernardita Godoy, mother of Isidora and Mateo Rivas, said that the idea of ​​the little ones arose as a result of calafate, a representative fruit of the area.

”We received the information at the Pedro Quinta Mansilla School and the idea of ​​the name arose from the fruit of the calafate. We are happy to have participated and that they considered us, the children are happy with the prizes that are very useful for them to develop sports,” said the mother.

It should be remembered that the Araucanía 2024 Binational Games will take place between November 10 and 16 in the Aysén Region.

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