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Camagüeyan agrometeorology with results at the service of agricultural production

Havana, June 28.- A study on agrometeorology in the service of agricultural production and its contribution to food sovereignty showed positive results in the municipalities of Florida and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes in the province of Camagüey, an expert on the subject announced in this capital.

The research as a whole took into account the identification of potential clients, interaction and feedback, execution, organization and delivery, and impact evaluation, explained its main author, Physics graduate Ibrianny Arredondo Arencibia.

The first step consisted of delimiting the users, said Arredondo Arencibia in exclusive statements to the Cuban News Agency, in one of the sessions of the XI National Meeting of Agrometeorology, which concludes today at the Deauville Hotel.

In this regard, he referred to the presidents of the municipal assemblies of the National Association of Small Farmers, the boards of directors of grassroots units, legal experts, governments, support from the Communist Party of Cuba, the media and entities of the Azcuba Sugar Group.

He also attributed importance to the needs of the beneficiaries in terms of soil wetland, rainfall behavior, drought conditions and variable forecast with a weekly period, if associated with the meteorological service applied in their station.

For Arredondo Arencibia, the application of the strategy increased the marketing of a good number of suppliers, the comprehensive service, the preparation of certifications and the feedback, even though he showed his dissatisfaction and wondered what would be missing to increase them further.

According to the programme, the last day of the meeting today includes the presentation of information about meteorological radars, the status of dissemination of the specialty, international cooperation and the subject in the Meteorology degree.

Also, a tribute to the first edition years ago by the authors of the book Tropical Agrometeorology. (ACN) (Photo: Juventud Rebelde/Archive)

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