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Kicillof and Ziliotto appeared together after the approval of the Ley Bases and stressed that they will deepen their opposition role

Axel Kicillof and Sergio Ziliotto

The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, He arrived this Friday in the city of Santa Rosa to sign with his counterpart from La Pampa, Sergio Ziliottoseveral reciprocal cooperation agreements in different areas of government. There, both provincial leaders again questioned the economic and political direction of the Government and warned that they will work to “deepen” their convictions in defense of federalism.We would like to be optimistic, but we are heading towards a country that excludes“said the man from Pampa after the approval of the Bases Law and the fiscal package. The man from Buenos Aires nodded.

Kicillof arrived in La Pampa with a delegation of officials who headed the various signings of agreements. There were signatures referring to security, education, health, modernization of the State, management advice, work, among other aspects. The Buenos Aires native was escorted by the Minister of Government, Carlos Bianco; of health, Nicholas Kreplak; of security, Javier Alonso; the general advisor of the Government, Santiago Perez Teruel.

The presence of the governor of Buenos Aires in the Patagonian province adds to the agreements that he already carried out with Chubut and Santa Fe. The difference this time was that It was a province where Peronism is the government. From these ideological and management coincidences, both governors stood up to ratify their opposition to the direction of the national governmenthours after the final sanction of the Bases Law and the fiscal package.

The General Secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei, and the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, celebrate in Deputies the approval of the Bases Law

“We will continue to defend a country with the people inside and because unfortunately We do not see the possibility of this political and economic model being successful. in integrating everyone. We would like to be optimistic, but we are heading to a country that excludes”said Ziliotto after signing the cooperation agreements.

The Buenos Aires governor made a similar statement.Beyond the aberrant approval of the Bases Law, in this situation, what remains for us is to continue working together.; obviously we are not going to resign ourselves: we are going to deepen our convictions,” Kicillof pointed out.

In addition, both governors made a staunch defense of federalism. In this context, the governor from La Pampa made it clear that Kicillof’s presence in his province did not mean “any political move”It turns out that a certain political structure with its own projection and with a view to the electoral structure of next year is being built around the Buenos Aires native.

“Our obligation is to comply with the provincial constitution, the national constitution because federalism is not something optional and also that constitution on which we swear and in the formula of the oath it says to comply with the national constitution and enforce it. So I tell the national government and the president that the national constitution is not optional, you have to comply with it and if you don’t want to comply we are going to enforce it,” said the Buenos Aires native.

Kicillof continues to cultivate his opposition and federal profile

Furthermore, the only public signal he gave about the role of the opposition and Peronism at this stage was when he said: “We must seek unity and seek breadth.” He also praised the figure of Ziliotto by saying that “Sergio, due to the role he occupies, due to his career, is a very important reference at a national level.”

Ziliotto was responsible for returning the favor. By decree He named Kicillof and the entire entourage that accompanied him as “honored guests.”

“These necessary agreements contrast and shine more because What we are seeing is a disregard for Argentine federalism,” said the man from Buenos Aires at the time of his speech. He also said that “the national State is a deserter: they deserted the obligations they have beyond their anarcho-capitalism, beyond the Austrian school. It is a national state that is deserting. It does not deal with health, infrastructure, or education.”

After signing the agreements, the governors toured the Santa Rosa Industrial Park where they visited the metallurgical plant APEX which produces sucker rods, drive rods, couplers, pony rods and other accessories for artificial oil lift. Afterwards, they had a private lunch.

Kicillof will continue his round of agreements with other provinces to add more photos that, inevitably, give him a political nuance. The next stop would be the province of La Rioja where another opponent of Milei governs, such as Ricardo Quintela. Likewise, an agreement is also being worked on with the province of Córdoba.

This week there was a landing of a delegation from Buenos Aires in the central province. It was the head of the Buenos Aires Tax Collection Agency (ARBA) Cristian Girard, who met with the Secretary of Public Revenue of Córdoba, Gerardo Pintucci. According to official information from the Buenos Aires entity, the meeting served to advance with “strategies to improve the exchange of information and expand its oversight capacity through technological tools.” If it materializes and other areas are added It could be summarized with a photo between Kicillof and the governor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora. Another president who emerges as an alternative within the opposition universe, although with a more dialoguing profile in his relationship with the national government than the one exhibited by the Buenos Aires native.

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